New Frontiers in the Study of Medieval China

2024 Program

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Friday, May 17

8:45–9:00 a.m. 

Opening Remarks

9:00–10:10 a.m.

Alexei Ditter (Reed College)

Muzhiming, with preface, for Master Pei [Ziyu (664–726)], late Administrator in the Princely Establishment of the Prince of Qi, Prefect of Jizhou, and Grand Master of Imperial Entertainments with Silver Seal and Blue Ribbon of the Tang 《唐故銀青光祿大夫冀州刺史歧王府長史裴府君墓誌銘并序》


10:15–11:25 a.m.

Nicholas Williams (Arizona State University)

Entombed Epitaph, with Preface, for Belated Lord Yang, Posthumously Allegiant Lord of Hedong, Supreme Pillar of State, and Minister of the Census Bureau, Formerly Acting Regional Inspector of Luzhou, Grand Master of Palace with Gold Seal and Purple Ribbon 《大唐故金紫光祿大夫行鄜州刺史贈戶部尚書上柱國河東忠公揚府君墓誌銘幷序》


11:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m.

Discussant: Beverly Bossler (Brown University)

1:00–2:10 p.m.

Tyler Feezell (Dartmouth College)

Entombed Epitaph Inscription of the Late Venerable Master Yin of the Great Tang with Preface 《大唐故尹尊師墓志銘并序》


2:15–3:25 p.m.

Tianyu Shi (University of Hamburg)

The Stele for Yang [Guangyuan], former Zhenwu General of the Jin Dynasty 《晉故振威將軍楊光遠之碑》

3:30–4:40 p.m.

Lance Pursey (Waseda University)

Stele for Lady Lanling Xiao of the Great Horizontal-tent, upon the Construction of the Temple of Peace and Tranquility in Yizhou of the Great Liao” 《大遼義州大橫帳蘭陵郡夫人蕭氏創建靜安寺碑銘》

4:45 p.m.–5:30 p.m.

Discussant: Paul Kroll (University of Colorado)



Saturday, May 18

9:00–10:10 a.m. 

Amy McNair (University of Kansas)

Epitaph with Preface for Lady Li of Longxi, wife of the late Lord Liu, who served the Tang as Palace Commandant-protector of the Army of Inspired Strategy of the Left, concurrent with Commissioner of Merit and Virtue for the western wards, specially advanced as Duke of Peiguo, with revenue from 3,000 households, posthumously granted posts of Commander concurrent with Commander-in-chief of Yangzhou 《唐故左神策军护军中尉兼左街功德使 , 特进沛国公食邑三千户, 赠开府兼扬州大都督刘公夫人陇西李氏墓志铭并序》


10:15–11:25 a.m.

Lei Xue (Oregon State University)

Epitaph of the Late Master Feng, the Principal Scribe of the Secretariat of the Tang, with a Preface 《唐故中書主書馮君墓誌銘並序》


11:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
Discussant:  Timothy M. Davis (Brigham Young University)

1:00–2:10 p.m.

Ellen Cong ZHANG (University of Virginia)

The Funerary Biography of the Lady of Yucheng County, Wife of the Late Encampment Guard General-in-Chief of the Left and Maquis Wei of the Song 《宋故贈左屯衛大將軍魏侯夫人玉城縣主墓誌銘》

2:15–3:25 p.m.

Jeffrey Moser (Brown University)

Inscribed Stone Vessels from the Tomb of Lü Yishan (d. 1102)

3:30–4:00 p.m. Discussant: Jessey Choo (Rutgers University)
4:10–5:10 p.m. Roundtable Discussion