Film and Media Studies in the Liberal Arts: Curriculum Development and Research Challenges

Mellon 23/AALAC Collaborative Workshop


Thursday 13 October 2011
6pm Welcome Reception
Clyde Common, 1014 SW Stark St., Portland OR (attached to ACE Hotel)
Friday 14 October 2011
8-9am Breakfast, Reed College, at Parker House
9-10:15am First Session:
Effective Strategies for Curriculum Development
Facilitators: Patti White, Swarthmore (via Skype); Amelie Hastie, Amherst
10:30-noon Second Session:
Troubleshooting and Development
Facilitators: Lisa Dombrowski, Wesleyan; Scott Higgins, Wesleyan
Noon-1pm Lunch at Parker House
1-2:15pm Third Session:
Media Production and Critical Studies at a Small Liberal Arts College
Facilitators: John Kim, Macalester; Jonathan Pethick-Nichols, DePauw
2:30-4pm Fourth Session:
Preparing Majors for Graduate Study
Facilitator: Terri Geller, Grinnell
4-4:30 Break & Campus Tour
4:30-6 Fifth Session:
Faculty Media Work and Building Bridges
Facilitators: Daniel Kramer, Smith; Jeff Pence, Oberlin
6:30 pm Dinner at Higgins
(Optional: Late Night Screenings at local theaters)
Saturday 15 October 2011
8-9am Breakfast on Reed Campus
9-10:15am Sixth Session:
Pedagogy in Film/Media Studies and Integrating Local Resources
Guest: Bill Foster, Northwest Film Center
Facilitators: Rashna Richards, Rhodes College; Devorah Heitner, Lake Forest College
10:30-noon Seventh Session:
Faculty Research I
Noon-1pm Lunch
1:15-2:30pm Eighth Session:
Faculty Research II
2:45-4pm Ninth Session:
Faculty Research III
4-4:30pm Break
4:30-6pm Roundtable
Evaluation of Workshop and Next Steps
6:30pm Portland Food Carts and Lucky Lab Brewhouse
Sunday 16 October 2011
** For participants who can stay the extra day: Breakfast in town and Portland tour