Small Questions, Big Data
Maddy Doak, Leila Shokat, Grayson White
In the age of the internet, it can be hard to know where to begin when trying to answer broad questions about the world: part of this dilemma is that there seems to be too much data! For example, the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations (UN), and the U.S. Census together have data about 200 countries, on topics from reproductive health, to viral infection rates, to education and much more. How can we ask a small, specific, geographically narrow question of all this data? This blog post will walk through this process, using health data from the WHO and the US Census, and education data from the UN. By the end, we will have a useful roadmap for asking specific questions of multiple large and difficult to navigate datasets.
Now that we have a good handle on the data we have at our hands, let’s dive in. The United Nations has some very informative data open to the public, including data on education and population of different countries. This data is great, yet it is far from tidy or easy to work with. We can see this by taking a look at a few columns fromeducation
T07 | Enrolment in primary, secondary and tertiary education levels | X3 | X4 | X5 | X6 | X7 |
Region/Country/Area | NA | Year | Series | Value | Footnotes | Source |
204 | Benin | 2016 | Students enrolled in secondary education (thousands) | 992.9990 | NA | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Montreal, the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) statistics database, last accessed March 2019. |
454 | Malawi | 2017 | Students enrolled in secondary education (thousands) | 998.9400 | NA | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Montreal, the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) statistics database, last accessed March 2019. |
642 | Romania | 2010 | Students enrolled in tertiary education (thousands) | 999.5230 | NA | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Montreal, the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) statistics database, last accessed March 2019. |
768 | Togo | 2005 | Students enrolled in primary education (thousands) | 996.7070 | NA | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Montreal, the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) statistics database, last accessed March 2019. |
As we can see, this data is far from tidy. To help make this data easy to work with, we first use dplyr
and tidyr
education_tidy <- education %>%
rename("region" = "T07",
"country" = "Enrolment in primary, secondary and tertiary education levels",
"year" = "X3") %>%
select(-X6, -X7) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = "X4",
values_from = "X5") %>%
select(-Series) %>%
filter(year != "Year")
pop_density_tidy <- pop_density %>%
rename("region" = "T02",
"country" = "Population, density and surface area",
"year" = "X3") %>%
select(-X6, -X7) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = "X4",
values_from = "X5") %>%
select(-Series) %>%
filter(year != "Year")
Here we rename
d and deleted some columns, and used pivot_wider
to correctly format the data. An insightful way to use this data is to join it with some data on HIV from WHO, the World Health Organization. We can use the WHO
data package to retrieve this data:
hiv <- get_data("HIV_0000000001")
Next, we will join the datasets and use functions from stringr
to parse our strings correctly. First, we will only consider data from 2010, and then we will join all the data together. After this, we can look at a table of the data, looking at a few rows of some interesting columns:
# Step 1: Make some initial joins and filter the data to only include data from 2010
edu_2010 <- education_tidy %>%
filter(year == 2010)
pop_2010 <- pop_density_tidy %>%
filter(year == 2010)
edu_pop <- left_join(edu_2010, pop_2010)
hiv_2010 <- hiv %>%
filter(year == 2010) %>%
select(-region, -year, -publishstate, -gho)
# Step 2: Join all the data together, and then extract the relevant information from the strings regarding the number of people with HIV
data_2010 <- left_join(edu_pop, hiv_2010, by = "country") %>%
rename("people_with_hiv" = "value") %>%
filter(people_with_hiv != "No data" | NA) %>%
mutate(hiv_count = str_replace(people_with_hiv, " \\[.*\\]", "")) %>%
mutate(hiv_count = str_replace_all(hiv_count, fixed(" "), "")) %>%
mutate(hiv_count = str_replace_all(hiv_count, fixed("<"), "")) %>%
mutate(hiv_count = as.numeric(hiv_count))
# Step 3: Make a table
data_2010 %>%
select("country", "year", "Students enrolled in secondary education (thousands)",
"people_with_hiv", "hiv_count", "Population density") %>%
rename("enrollment" = "Students enrolled in secondary education (thousands)") %>%
filter(country %in% c("United States of America", "Australia", "New Zealand", "Congo",
"Germany", "Brazil", "Mexico")) %>%
kable(align = "c") %>%
country | year | enrollment | people_with_hiv | hiv_count | Population density |
Australia | 2010 | NA | 21 000 [17 000–23 000] | 21000 | 2.8839 |
Brazil | 2010 | 23,538.7170 | 670 000 [520 000–830 000] | 670000 | 23.4159 |
Congo | 2010 | NA | 82 000 [69 000–95 000] | 82000 | 12.5146 |
Germany | 2010 | 7,663.7550 | 69 000 [57 000–81 000] | 69000 | 231.8883 |
Mexico | 2010 | 11,681.5300 | 180 000 [150 000–210 000] | 180000 | 58.6913 |
New Zealand | 2010 | 512.1950 | 2500 [2100–2800] | 2500 | 16.5966 |
United States of America | 2010 | 24,192.7860 | 990 000 [880 000–1 100 000] | 990000 | 33.7813 |
This table can teach us a few things! First off, we see that the data was joined nicely and we have relevant columns from each initial data set. Second, we can see what really happened in Step 2. We were able to get rid of everything in the square brackets and any spaces in the numbers. Finally, we see that there is more work to be done as the enrollment
column has some pesky commas in it. To deal with this, we can write a slick function that takes commas out of each column in our dataframe that has them where they shouldn’t be:
comma_killer <- function(column){
column <- enquo(column)
data_2010 <<- data_2010 %>%
mutate(as.numeric(str_replace_all(data_2010[[!!column]], fixed(","), "")))
To fix the class of most of the variables in this data.frame
, we can run a for
loop. Then we can do some basic calculations to give us relevant columns:
# Make numeric
for (i in 2:18)
data_2010[[i]] <- as.numeric(data_2010[[i]])
# Relevant columns
data_2010 <- data_2010 %>%
mutate(total_enrolled = 1000*(ifelse(, 0, primary_enrolled_thousands) +
ifelse(, 0, secondary_enrolled_thousands) +
ifelse(, 0, tertiary_enrolled_thousands)),
total_pop = 1000000*population_millions,
enrolled_ratio = total_enrolled / total_pop,
hiv_ratio = hiv_count / total_pop)
Now, we’ve suppressed some code where we renamed many columns and selected only the relevant ones to us after our data join, but after those steps and what we have done above, we have a nice, tidy, dataframe that we can easily extract information from! Here is a glimpse of the dataset with some relevant columns included:
country | sex_ratio | population_density | total_enrolled | total_pop | enrolled_ratio | hiv_ratio | hiv_count |
Tunisia | 99.4528 | 68.4555 | 2564000 | 10635200 | 0.2410862 | 0.0001316 | 1400 |
Uganda | 96.3755 | 162.2950 | 8495294 | 32428200 | 0.2619724 | 0.0370048 | 1200000 |
Ukraine | 85.7294 | 79.0446 | 7308258 | 45792100 | 0.1595965 | 0.0050227 | 230000 |
United States of America | 97.5770 | 33.7813 | 69013497 | 309011500 | 0.2233363 | 0.0032038 | 990000 |
Uruguay | 93.0187 | 19.1937 | 795680 | 3359300 | 0.2368589 | 0.0028577 | 9600 |
Uzbekistan | 98.9431 | 67.0332 | 6709108 | 28515900 | 0.2352760 | 0.0010520 | 30000 |
Viet Nam | 98.9260 | 283.7026 | 8943037 | 87967700 | 0.1016627 | 0.0025009 | 220000 |
Yemen | 101.6399 | 43.8564 | 5260458 | 23154900 | 0.2271855 | 0.0002203 | 5100 |
Zambia | 97.5468 | 18.3026 | 2899131 | 13606000 | 0.2130774 | 0.0734970 | 1000000 |
Zimbabwe | 90.9805 | 32.8234 | 94611 | 12697700 | 0.0074510 | 0.0945053 | 1200000 |
Now that we’ve examined the UN dataset and cleaned it up significantly, let’s return to the WHO and US Census data we originally found. We can see that the WHO dataset has a column called “category” with only 9 unique values, which is much easier to examine than the 3,308 individual variables being recorded!
label | display | url | category |
MDG_0000000001 | Infant mortality rate (probability of dying between birth and age 1 per 1000 live births) | | Mortality and global health estimates |
MDG_0000000003 | Adolescent birth rate (per 1000 women aged 15-19 years) | | Sustainable development goals |
MDG_0000000005 | Contraceptive prevalence (%) | | Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) |
The category “Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)” seems interesting; WHO lists these goals on their website. Looking at this webpage, these all seem like valuable goals. Let’s try and figure out how much progress the world is making towards them!
In the first few dozen rows of the dataset, there are some goals related to maternal health: “Contraceptive prevalence (%)” and “Unmet need for family planning (%).” Later, we see data related to rates of caesarean section. Let’s grab these data frames, and combine them based on the variables they have in common: year, country, region (e.g. continent or subregion of a continent), and “worldbankincomegroup” for the contraceptive and family planning datasets, which is a measure of income level by country as determined by the World Bank.
# Grabbing the data
contraceptive <- get_data("MDG_0000000005")
fam_plan_need <- get_data("MDG_0000000006")
csection <- get_data("csection5")
# Cleaning and tidying up the c-section data
c_sect <- csection %>%
filter(value != "No data") %>%
separate(value, into = c("value", "sd"), sep = " ") %>%
mutate(value = as.numeric(value)) %>%
mutate(lower_bound = str_extract(sd, "\\d*\\.\\d*"),
upper_bound = substr(str_extract(sd, "\\-\\d*\\.\\d*"), 2, nchar(.))) %>%
dplyr::select(1:8, 13:14, 10:12)
# Combining the data
fam_plan <- contraceptive %>%
inner_join(fam_plan_need, by = c("year" = "year",
"country" = "country",
"region" = "region",
"worldbankincomegroup" = "worldbankincomegroup")) %>%
dplyr::select(-gho.x, -gho.y) %>%
rename("contra_rate" = "value.x",
"unmet_fam_plan_need" = "value.y",
"contra_pub" = "publishstate.x",
"famplan_pub" = "publishstate.y") %>%
inner_join(c_sect, by = c("year" = "year",
"country" = "country",
"region" = "region")) %>%
dplyr::select(-gho, -lower_bound, -upper_bound) %>%
rename("csec_source" = "datasource",
"csec_perc" = "value",
"csec_pub" = "publishstate")
fam_plan[1:3, 1:9] %>%
top_n(3) %>%
kable(align = "c") %>%
year | region | contra_pub | contra_rate | worldbankincomegroup | country | famplan_pub | unmet_fam_plan_need | csec_pub |
2007 | Americas | Published | 72.9 | NA | Dominican Republic | Published | 11.1 | Published |
2007 | Americas | Published | 72.9 | NA | Dominican Republic | Published | 11.1 | Published |
2007 | Americas | Published | 72.9 | NA | Dominican Republic | Published | 11.1 | Published |
Note: additional columns were cut off for readability.
What patterns can we find here? Let’s see how the proportion of unmet need for family planning resources is correlated with the proportion of births by caesarean section:
fam_plan %>%
group_by(unmet_fam_plan_need) %>%
summarise(meanCSec = mean(csec_perc)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = unmet_fam_plan_need, y = meanCSec)) +
geom_point() +
geom_smooth(method = "lm") +
labs(title = "Correlation of Unmet Need for Family Planning and Rate of C-Section Births",
x = "Unmet Need for Family Planning (%)",
y = "Proportion of Births by Caesarean Sections")
There seems to be a pattern here: when there are fewer family planning resources available, there are also fewer c-sections, and we can probably assume that women in these countries don’t simply need fewer c-sections.
Now let’s compare something more directly related: family planning resources and contraceptive use.
fam_plan %>%
ggplot(aes(x = unmet_fam_plan_need, y = contra_rate)) +
geom_point() +
geom_smooth(method = "lm") +
labs(title = "Correlation of Unmet Need for Family Planning and Contraceptive Use",
x = "Unmet Need for Family Planning (%)",
y = "Use of Contraceptives (%)")
As we can see, there also seems to be a pattern in these variables. With fewer resources for family planning, people use fewer contraceptives.
Now let’s move on to the US census data. Similar to the WHO data, it’s broken down into “concepts.” Out of curiosity, let’s search for “birth” in the concepts, to maybe find something related to the concepts we analyzed in the WHO data.
# Enter your API key before pulling any data!
census_api_key("put your key here!")
var_labels <- load_variables(2018, "acs5", cache = TRUE)
unique(var_labels[which(grepl("BIRTH", var_labels$concept)), ])[1:3, ] %>%
kable(align = "c") %>%
name | label | concept |
B05002_003 | Estimate!!Total!!Native!!Born in state of residence | PLACE OF BIRTH BY NATIVITY AND CITIZENSHIP STATUS |
Only a few rows are shown here, but scrolling down, you could find “WOMEN 15 TO 50 YEARS WHO HAD A BIRTH IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS….” Let’s grab this data set, and add variables to indicate age, marital status, and whether or not the person in question gave birth in the past 12 months, since the current labels don’t provide this information directly. We should also clean up the location to keep county and state separate, and add variables that summarize the data by location.
birth <- get_acs("county",
survey = "acs5",
table = "B13002",
cache_table = TRUE)
# This next part looks long, but it's just categorizing the different rows based on the information from the census!
birth_age_marital <- birth %>%
mutate(Marriage = case_when(grepl("_004", birth$variable) |
grepl("_005", birth$variable) |
grepl("_006", birth$variable) |
grepl("_013", birth$variable) |
grepl("_014", birth$variable) |
grepl("_015", birth$variable) ~ "Married",
grepl("_008", birth$variable) |
grepl("_009", birth$variable) |
grepl("_010", birth$variable) |
grepl("_017", birth$variable) |
grepl("_018", birth$variable) |
grepl("_019", birth$variable) ~ "Unmarried"),
Age = case_when(grepl("_004", birth$variable) |
grepl("_008", birth$variable) |
grepl("_013", birth$variable) |
grepl("_017", birth$variable) ~ "15-19",
grepl("_005", birth$variable) |
grepl("_009", birth$variable) |
grepl("_014", birth$variable) |
grepl("_018", birth$variable) ~ "20-34",
grepl("_006", birth$variable) |
grepl("_010", birth$variable) |
grepl("_015", birth$variable) |
grepl("_019", birth$variable) ~ "35-50"),
Birth = case_when(grepl("_004", birth$variable) |
grepl("_005", birth$variable) |
grepl("_006", birth$variable) |
grepl("_008", birth$variable) |
grepl("_009", birth$variable) |
grepl("_010", birth$variable) ~ "Y",
grepl("_013", birth$variable) |
grepl("_014", birth$variable) |
grepl("_015", birth$variable) |
grepl("_017", birth$variable) |
grepl("_018", birth$variable) |
grepl("_019", birth$variable) ~ "N")) %>%
dplyr::select(-variable) %>%
filter(! & ! %>%
rename("Count" = "estimate", "MargOfError" = "moe") %>%
mutate(COUNTY = substr(str_extract(NAME, ".*\\,"), 1, nchar(.) - 1),
STATE = substr(str_extract(NAME, "\\,.*"), 3, nchar(.))) %>%
dplyr::select(1, 8:9, 3:7) %>%
group_by(GEOID) %>%
mutate(PropByGEOID = Count / sum(Count)) %>%
group_by(GEOID, Marriage, Age) %>%
mutate(BirthProp = Count / sum(Count))
birth_age_marital[1:3, ] %>%
kable(align = "c") %>%
GEOID | COUNTY | STATE | Count | MargOfError | Marriage | Age | Birth | PropByGEOID | BirthProp |
01001 | Autauga County, | Alabama | 0 | 28 | Married | 15-19 | Y | 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 |
01001 | Autauga County, | Alabama | 462 | 157 | Married | 20-34 | Y | 0.0340206 | 0.1693548 |
01001 | Autauga County, | Alabama | 131 | 89 | Married | 35-50 | Y | 0.0096465 | 0.0277778 |
Finally, let’s visualize this information:
birth_age_marital %>%
group_by(Marriage, Age, Birth) %>%
summarise(meanProp = mean(PropByGEOID, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
filter(Birth == "Y") %>%
ggplot(aes(x = Age, y = meanProp, fill = Marriage)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
labs(x = "Marital Status", y = "Mean Proportion of County",
title = "Demographics of mothers who gave birth in the past 12 months",
subtitle = "Mean proportion across all US counties")
As we can see, the majority of women who gave birth in the United States in this 12-month period were married women between the ages of 20 and 34. One could dive deeper to find patterns by state, and join this data with other datasets that give information on family planning resources and caesarean section rates. For now, however, this information seems hopeful; comparatively, not many teenagers are giving birth.
It is clear now that there are so many directions that one could take in their own data journey. Here, we have gained insight into how education level and rates of HIV might relate to one another, a question that the CDC has also taken up in their concerns about how socioeconomic status impacts one’s health. We also explored whether the WHO is meeting its stated goals specifically in the United States, taking advantage of additional data from the US Census. There are nearly infinite questions that could be asked of these datasets, and hopefully this walk through the process of asking a question, finding data to answer it, and configuring the data in an informative way has shown how to ask small questions of big datasets.
expersso/WHO (, accessed March, 2020)
The UN (, accessed March, 2020)
tidycensus (, accessed March, 2020)