Language Resources

Spanish Language Resources

Spanish 111/112

Oxford Dictionary

Access to the Spanish Oxford dictionary is provided to community members by the Reed Library and requires a Reed login. This comprehensive dictionary includes audio and information about idiomatic phrases.

Diccionario de la Lengua Española

Diccionario de la Lengua Española one of a few Spanish dictionaries offered by the Real Academia Española. Users can search for exact words or for dictionary headwords with specific beginnings or endings. 


Enter text into SpanishChecker and get suggestions about spelling and grammar back! SpanishChecker separates certain and possible spelling errors and gives suggested fixes. This tool generally does not provide corrections for grammatical errors, but instead gives some information about why the problem was tagged and a link to guides about grammatical topics.

Mac users generally choose to use special characters on their US keyboard while typing in Spanish. For users of Windows machines, it may be easier to switch to an international or Spnaish keyboard layout. 

Typing help for Macs

Typing help for Windows 

  • Use keyboard shortcuts to type characters with accents.
  • Set up your computer to type using an international or Spanish keyboard layout. You will find the international keyboard under the English-language keyboard options.
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