The Reed Language Lab
The Language Lab is a multi-purpose space located on LL1 (room L033) of the Hauser Library in the Instructional Media Center (IMC). The Lab is dedicated to supporting language learning at Reed and is staffed by student Language Resource Assistants (affectionately known as LangLabbies) and language tutors. Here, students, staff, and faculty can access resources, tutoring, a space for hosting events and much more. Come visit us sometime to study, practice your target language, or just hang out!
The Language Lab is open during regular IMC hours with some extended evening hours.
Spring 2025 Language Lab hours
Monday: 10 am to 8 pm
Tuesday: 10 am to 8 pm
Wednesday: 10 am to 8 pm
Thursday: 10 am to 5 pm
Friday: 10 am to 5 pm
Drop-in tutoring schedule
During the academic year, free drop-in tutoring is available in the Language Lab for all language students. Current tutoring schedules are posted in the Language Lab and on the Office of Academic Support website. You can also make an appointment to meet with an individual tutor.
LangLabbies blog
Find recent recommendations for language learning resources and media on our blog!
IMC resources
Find videos and dvds and borrow computers and other equipment at the Instructional Media Center.
Reserve the Language Lab
Please contact Beth Platte to reserve the Language Lab for a class or language-related activity or with questions.