Language Resources

German Language Resources

Oxford Dictionaries

Access to the German Oxford dictionary is provided to Reed community members by the Library and requires a Reed login. This comprehensive dictionary includes audio and information about idiomatic phrases.


BeoLingus is a very thorough dictionary. It might be overwhelming for a beginner or user looking for a simple translation, but it could be very useful for finding topical words for German composition.


The LanguageTool spelling and grammar checker for German is available online or as a browser extension. While the interface displays in English, grammatical explanations are in German, making this a better resource for intermediate and advanced German learners.

Mac users generally choose to use special characters on their US keyboard while typing in German. For users of Windows machines, it may be easier to switch to an international or German keyboard layout. 

Typing help for Macs

Typing help for Windows 

  • Use keyboard shortcuts to type characters with accents.
  • Set up your computer to type using an international or German keyboard layout. You will find the international keyboard under the English-language keyboard options.
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