Information Technology

IT COVID-19 Information

The information on this page expired at the end of Spring 2021. IT is returning to mostly normal operations for Fall 2021.


Information Technolocy staff are available to help with your technology needs. In most cases we ask that you contact us virtually, rather than dropping in at the ETC:

If you have questions that are not answered here, let us know! Email

If you need to visit the ETC, bring your Reed ID card to access the building at all times.

Within the ETC, we are taking numerous precautions, including physical distancing, plexiglass barriers, and frequent disinfection of surfaces and shared devices. Anyone visiting the ETC is required to follow college safety procedures, including:

  • Maintain at least 6 feet of physical distance between people
  • Wear a mask in all public spaces
  • Before and after handling equipment, wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or use college-provided hand sanitizer
  • Observe all posted signage and public health guidance

Most electronic devices such as computers, keyboards, mice, and smartphones can be safely disinfected with alcohol-based disinfectant. Do not use soap and water, or Bullseye E23, a commonly used disinfectant on campus (it leaves a sticky residue).

  • Clean your hands with soap and water or a disinfectant, both before and after cleaning your devices. 
  • Avoid touching your face until you have cleaned your hands.
  • Use an EPA approved disinfectant to kill COVID-19, and follow the manufacturers’ instructions.
    • Products containing 60%+ alcohol--5 min dwell time
  • Keep liquids away from electronics.
  • Avoid spraying cleaners directly onto your devices — spray onto a cloth first.

Apple has provided specific guidance on how to clean their products.

Computers and Services for Students

General computing labs such as the ETC Information Resource Centers and the Library Reading Room are closed. A virtual computer lab is available for students to access software usually available on public lab computers. 

Every student should have a laptop with a currently supported operating system, capable of running Microsoft Office, email, modern web browser, and Zoom. Visit Getting Equipment for detailed technology recommendations.


Visit Reed's online Apple Store to place an order and have it shipped directly to you.

The Reed Emergency Fund may be available for students experiencing urgent or unexpected technology needs.


The Instructional Media Center (IMC) in the Library offers short-term loans of equipment including laptops, iPads, projectors, digital cameras, portable audio recorders, speakers, and more.

The Student Technology Equipment Program (STEP) makes technology available to students in need. For a non-refundable program fee of $50, a laptop computer can be borrowed for the duration of an academic year.

A wide variety of software is available for students to download from (login required).

Software that is customarily available in the general student labs will be available from the Virtual Computer Labs.

Computers and Services for Faculty and Staff

Faculty and staff who need a computer or iPad to support their college work may request it by making a Computer Equipment Request.

If you are splitting time between working on campus and at home, IT can provide a second keyboard & mouse set, as well as some other accessories. IT is unable to provide a second computer, additional monitors, or laptop power supplies for home use - we can walk you through a departmental purchase of certain accessories, or discuss other ways to meet your need. Contact to find out what’s possible.

Pickup and return of loaner computers and other equipment - Contact CUS to make arrangements for a safe, no-contact pickup or dropoff, via temporary swipe access to an ETC space. Neat!

  • Google Meet is a free video conferencing service that comes with your Reed Google account and is useful for meetings and connecting with others. 
  • Zoom is widely used for classes, meetings, and webinars. 

The Academic and Administrative VPNs are needed to access specific on campus resources. Google apps and most applications on your computer can be used without the VPN. If you’ve successfully worked off campus in the past without it, then you don’t need it now. Talk to your supervisor first.

Staff members will need to use the Administrative VPN if you need to access administrative applications including:

  • Banner Admin Pages
  • Argos (also FormFusion and Intellecheck)
  • Etrieve
  • homeserver/fileshares
  • Microsoft Remote Desktop (which includes access to Blackboard/Transact, EMS, ARMS, Traka administration, WinPrism)
  • any centrally served FileMaker database
  • DataTransfer
  • SQL Developer
  • Banhost

If you need the VPN, read the college VPN policy and submit a request.