Green Computing at Reed
Reed is very concerned that its computing practices reflect its dedication to sustainability. We have already taken a number of steps to implement more sustainable computing practices:
- All-campus e-waste recycling drives;
- An ongoing partnership with Free Geek for our computer hardware recycling and reuse needs. We also perform periodic due diligence measures to assure our recycler and associated downstream providers continue to meet local and national environmental standards;
- Toner cartridge recycling program;
- Using 100% recycled paper in all campus laser printers;
- College-owned laser printers are equipped with duplexers, enabling double-sided printing to reduce paper use;
- All college-owned machines have energy saving settings automatically enabled;
- The Computer Hardware Shop and Administrative Computing perform all campus deliveries and services by foot or bike;
- Investigating energy efficient machine room practices;
- Campus battery recycling program offered through EHS and Computer Hardware.
Going Green(er): Suggestions for the Reed community
- Turn off your computer and display at the end of your work day, or set it to go to sleep. A sleeping computer uses nearly as little energy as it does when turned completely off. It's a popular misconception that screensavers save energy-- they don't!
- Utilize the energy saving features in your computer's operating system. Energy Star has some helpful suggestions.
- We can save a lot of paper, toner and electricity if we work together to make Reed as paperless as possible. Before you hit "print," ask yourself if the document can be viewed or shared electronically.
- Still need to print it out? Many printers on campus have the ability to do double-sided printing. If you don't have access to one of these printers, Contact the Computer Hardware Shop at x7277 or – we can set you up!
- If your College computer still utilizes a CRT display, contact the Computer Hardware Shop (x7277 or and we'll replace it with a more energy efficient LCD display.
- Turn off peripherals that you're not using, such a speakers, scanners, personal printers, etc.
- Take your used batteries to the EHS office or to the Computer Hardware shop, where we can recycle them!
- Buy equipment that meet Energy Star requirements, indicated by the Energy Star logo.
- If you want to learn how to reduce your impact beyond your computer use, you can also calculate your carbon footprint and find out how to reduce it.