Submission Forms & Materials
Submission Form (Word DOC) (updated 9/20/2023)
NOTE: You will notice that the Submission Form is protected. This allows us to incorporate some formatting that makes the reading of the forms easier for the Committee. Please leave these protected.
Pre-Submission Checklist (Word DOC)
You are strongly encouraged to complete this checklist before submitting your proposal. It is designed to streamline the intake process by ensuring that your proposal is as complete and accurate as possible prior to submission.
Addendum Cover Sheet (Word Doc)
Please submit this cover sheet with all addenda to approved IRB protocols.
In addition to the Submission Form, you may need to include some of the following documents with your proposal (if applicable):
Non-Reed IRB Approval (please upload approval letters from other institutions)
- Appendices
- Appendix A (Word DOC) – Research Involving Child Participants
- Appendix B (Word DOC) – International Research or Non-English Speaking Participants
Participant Recruitment Materials
Append materials that will be used for recruiting research participants such as flyers, ads, letters, emails, oral scripts, etc. Example participant recruitment scripts (Word DOC). -
Consent Documents
See Participant Consent page for guidelines and sample consent documents. -
Questionnaires, Surveys & Interview Protocol
For Exempt, Expedited, and Full proposals, please append all questionnaires, surveys, sample items from computers tasks, or any other materials that participants will be reading, evaluating, or filling out. If participants will be interviewed, provide sample questions. -
Please Note: IRB contact information on consent forms must include the IRB Chair:
Professor Sameer ud Dowla Khan
Chair, Reed College IRB
Office Phone: 503-517-4018
Note to Investigators Conducting Federally Funded Research: Please note that human subjects research CITI training is required for investigators involved with federally funded protocols. CITI training cerficicates must be uploaded to the IRB portal at the time of proposal submission. Additionally, many granting agencies (NSF, NIH, etc.) require RCR training. Copies of all CITI certificates must also be provided to the CFG office. Please email Kayla Johnston ( if you have any questions.