International Programs Office

Hamilton College in Madrid

Madrid, Spain

This program, run with Hamilton College, is located in a residential quarter of Madrid, where students take courses taught by members of the Facultad de Filosofía y Letras of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid or by other authorities in the fields of letters, history and the arts. This program provides students with the opportunity to spend a semester or year in Madrid studying both through Hamilton College and directly through the Madrid University system.

Students are encouraged to immerse themselves in Spanish life and studies in and outside of the classroom through homestays, group outings, program-organized internships and community service opportunities. All courses taught through Hamilton College are led by Spanish university faculty, and operate on a no-English speaking policy. Students will sign a pledge before arriving in Madrid agreeing to speak exclusively in Spanish. Most courses meet for three hours a week, and may be supplemented by use of Hamilton's Spanish writing center and language tutorials among other support systems. Fall and spring terms commence with ten-day orientation excursions to either Northern or Southern Spain (depending of the year), geared to ease students into Madrid and Spanish life. 

Program Information

Terms Available: year, semester

Type of Program: Study Abroad

Languages of Instruction: Spanish

Language Prerequisite: Eligibility for this program requires one college-level course in Spanish above the intermediate level. A minimum of four semesters of college-level Spanish.

  • Credit Transfer System
    • Typical course load: 4 courses
    • Units recorded in: units
    • Conversion to Reed units: 1 unit = 1 Reed unit
    • Grading system: A-F
  • GPA Requirement: 3.0
  • Credits: 4 units
  • Other requirements: Although the program is designed primarily for students who will be in their Junior year, qualified undergraduates who will be Sophomores or Seniors will be considered. Must be a B or above average student. Studying for the full year is recommended.
  • Course Catalog


Application Deadline: Fall: March 10 | Spring: Oct 1
Program Application
Program website

Housing: Host Family
In order to give students the best opportunity to come into close contact with Spanish life, each student lives with a Spanish host.

Financial, Immigration

Cost to attend:

Reed College charges the same tuition fees for a semester or year off-campus as for a semester or year spent on campus, plus the program's actual room and board fees. Reed College encourages students to choose programs based on their academic rather than financial needs to reflect Reed's belief that all students, regardless of financial circumstances, should have the opportunity to study abroad.

Financial aid continues for eligible students during the off-campus program. Students should discuss with the Financial Aid Office how other outside aid may impact their existing aid package. Check out more details directly on the Reed College Financial Aid page.

Visa Deadlines and Requirements:

Pre-Departure information can be found on the Hamilton website.