International Programs Office

IFSA Mérida

Mérida, Mexico

Through this program, Reed students can study in the city of Mérida, Mexico. Classes are offered through the Universidad Autónoma de Yucután and the Universidad Modelo, covering a wide range of both liberal arts and pre-professional topics.

The IFSA program also offers select courses, all taught in Spanish. Through this array of offerings, Reed students can customize an academic focus that fits their needs while experiencing the vibrant city life of Mérida. With 300 days of sunshine a year, a reputation as one Latin America’s safest environments, and two outstanding universities, Mérida has plenty of allure. Dig into rich layers of Mayan culture. Take advantage of opportunities to build language skills as you study and socialize with peers at Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán and Universidad Modelo. And round it all out with unique excursions and a homestay to enhance local connection

Program Information

Terms Available: year, semester

Type of Program: Study Abroad

Languages of Instruction: Spanish

Language Prerequisite: 4 years of Spanish language or equivalent.


Application Deadline: Fall: June 9 | Spring: Nov. 1
Program Application
Program website

Housing: Host Family
In Mérida, students live with local families in what’s known as a homestay. Homestays make it easy to immerse yourself in the region’s rich culture. They also provide many opportunities to build your Spanish language skills, if that’s part of your plan.

Financial, Immigration

Cost to attend:

Reed College charges the same tuition fees for a semester or year off-campus as for a semester or year spent on campus, plus the program's actual room and board fees. Reed College encourages students to choose programs based on their academic rather than financial needs to reflect Reed's belief that all students, regardless of financial circumstances, should have the opportunity to study abroad.

Financial aid continues for eligible students during the off-campus program. Students should discuss with the Financial Aid Office how other outside aid may impact their existing aid package. Check out more details directly on the Reed College Financial Aid page.

Visa Deadlines and Requirements:

A visa is not required in most cases for this program, but do check for your specific situation on the IFSA visa requirements page.