International Programs Office

New York University in Florence

Florence, Italy

The NYU program in Florence is widely renowned and noted for its academic excellence. Students are given the opportunity to study in either English or Italian based on linguistic proficiency, and are offered an extensive selection of courses covering Italian culture, History, Philosophy, Art and more.

The student body count at the university is around 350 in the fall and around 375 in the spring, with 60 professors. Since this is a larger study-abroad program, students should be aware that studying through NYU Florence will not be as intimate of an experience as one might find through a smaller liaison program. Nonetheless, NYU Florence organizes group trips, volunteer work and reliable student support like any other program.

Program Information

Terms Available: year, semester

Type of Program: Study Abroad

Languages of Instruction: English

Language Prerequisite: This program does not require experience in Italian, but students with a proficiency can apply to take courses directly through the University of Florence.

  • Credit Transfer System
    • Typical course load: Classes usually 4-6 credits
    • Units recorded in: semester credits
    • Conversion to Reed units: 4 semester credits = 1 Reed unit
    • Grading system: A-F
  • GPA Requirement: 3.0
  • Credits: 18 credits
  • Course Catalog


Application Deadline: | Spring: Sept. 15
Program Application
Program website

Housing: Residence Dorm, Shared Apartment, Host Family
Students are housed in on-campus villas, off-campus residences, and homestays. Food is provided accordingly, with an on campus cafeteria or through a homestay meal plan.

Financial, Immigration

Cost to attend:

Reed College charges the same tuition fees for a semester or year off-campus as for a semester or year spent on campus, plus the program's actual room and board fees. Reed College encourages students to choose programs based on their academic rather than financial needs to reflect Reed's belief that all students, regardless of financial circumstances, should have the opportunity to study abroad.

Financial aid continues for eligible students during the off-campus program. Students should discuss with the Financial Aid Office how other outside aid may impact their existing aid package. Check out more details directly on the Reed College Financial Aid page.