International Programs Office

Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies (ICCS)

Rome, Italy

This program offers students the opportunity to travel to Rome for a semester in order to study ancient Greco-Roman Humanities, History, Archaeology, and Art, as well as the Italian language. Students will take four or five courses, which include a two-credit course called The Ancient City which covers ancient archaeology and topography, as well as aspects of Roman social history and culture.

Students are expected to have a general knowledge of Roman history prior to arrival, and are required to take at least one course in Latin or Greek. This is a very physical program, including a great deal of walking and climbing while experiencing ancient sites first-hand.

Program Information

Terms Available: semester

Type of Program: Study Abroad

Languages of Instruction: English

Language Prerequisite: If taking Interm or Advanced Latin and Greek, students need to have completed Elementary Latin or Greek.

  • Credit Transfer System
    • Typical course load: 4 units
    • Units recorded in: units
    • Conversion to Reed units: 1 unit = 1 Reed unit
    • Grading system: A-F
  • GPA Requirement: 3.0
  • Credits: 4 Course credits = 16 semester credits
  • Other requirements: In order to qualify for this program, Reed students must be majoring in Classics (GLAM) or Art History. Priority will be given to students prepared to take courses in intermediate (or higher) level Latin and/or Greek courses. Students are asked to consider physical capacity and well-being before applying.
  • Course Catalog


Application Deadline: Fall: March 15 | Spring: Oct 1
Program Application
Program website

Housing: Residence Dorm
Students will be provided housing in the program center, located ten minutes by bus from downtown Rome. Three meals per day are provided by the center.

Financial, Immigration

Cost to attend:

Reed College charges the same tuition fees for a semester or year off-campus as for a semester or year spent on campus, plus the program's actual room and board fees. Reed College encourages students to choose programs based on their academic rather than financial needs to reflect Reed's belief that all students, regardless of financial circumstances, should have the opportunity to study abroad.

Financial aid continues for eligible students during the off-campus program. Students should discuss with the Financial Aid Office how other outside aid may impact their existing aid package. Check out more details directly on the Reed College Financial Aid page.

Areas of Study