Office for Institutional Diversity

Mission Grant

The Office for Institutional Diversity (OID) Mission Grant supports innovative projects that support our division’s mission of pursuing education parity by fostering the conditions for equitable student success. We recognize that our vision for a campus where all are valued, respected, and empowered is a collective effort that is grounded in meaningful collaboration with campus partners. This funding opportunity is designed to facilitate meaningful collaboration between our division and your mission aligned project.

Projects that are aligned with OID’s mission should:

  • Amplify diverse perspectives, experiences and identities within our communities
  • Foster a campus culture where every individual feels valued, respected and included
  • Engage the broader Reed community- students, staff and faculty
  • Leverage diverse expertise and perspectives by collaborating across different academic and administrative departments
  • Demonstrate impact sustainability with consideration of alternative funding sources to support ongoing projects and future iterations. 

OID Mission Grant Guidelines

Proposals are eligible for funding approval of $500.00 to $2,000.00 to support projects that align with the OID’s mission. To facilitate meaningful collaboration between your project and the Office for Institutional Diversity, the OID Mission Grant operates under clear guidelines to ensure transparency, accountability, and responsible use of our campus resources. Click here to read our guidelines and rubric.

Divisional Discretion

The Office for Institutional Diversity's Mission Grant is funded entirely by the division's operating budget. The division exercises full discretion and authority regarding all aspects of the grant process, as outlined on the OID Mission Grant website. This includes but is not limited to the fund’s eligibility criteria, evaluation procedures, funding allocation, funding utilization, progress monitoring, impact assessment, and reporting of funds. OID retains complete authority to decide on funding allocations and amounts, ensuring responsible stewardship of financial resources. The OID Mission Fund must be used solely for the purposes outlined in the proposal. Any deviation from the proposed budget must be approved by OID in advance.

Reporting Requirements

In alignment with grant writing best practices, The Office for Institutional Diversity will report on all funded projects on the OID website, and on our annual report. This report will include the project’s awarded amount, project description, project objectives, and project outcomes. To facilitate our division’s commitment to transparency and accountability, all recipients of the OID Mission Grant are required to provide a final report on the project’s outcomes and impact. This report will include a post-event summary addressing the project's progress towards the outcomes and objectives as outlined in the proposal. 


OID may publicize information about the funded project to highlight its impact and promote awareness. Recipients are expected to acknowledge OID appropriate in project-related communications.

Future Consideration

Because the OID Mission Grant is fully funded by the division’s operating budget, funded projects are encouraged to consider alternative funding sources to support ongoing projects and future iterations to support the intended outcomes and objectives.

Please use the online form to submit an application for grant funding. Please be prepared to provide the following information on our application form: 

  • A detailed description of your project. This may include any context or background information that may inform our assessment of your project, strategies for reaching out to and engaging with your intended audience, your budget considerations, your project’s consideration of diverse perspectives, strategies for cross department collaboration, strategies for fostering meaningful partnerships, and strategies for long term engagement and sustainability.
  • A detailed description of your project’s goals, objectives, and assessment strategies. This should include a detailed outline for how your project’s progress towards its objectives will be measured, and how your project’s outcome and impact will be assessed. 
  • A detailed description of your project’s budget. This may include any and all cross department resources and partnerships relevant to your project, your requested OID Mission Grant funding amount, and how your project will plan to use this fund. 
  • Any relevant links, URLS, or attachments that our team should be aware of to understand your project.

All proposals are compiled and reviewed by the Office for Institutional Diversity team on the following dates: Please prepare and submit your grant application accordingly. Our team will not accommodate any urgent request to review your application for decision outside of the scheduled timeline. 

  • Application period closes 5pm on Mon, Sep 16, 2024  for decision by Fri, Sep 20th. 
  • Application period closes 5pm on Mon, Oct 14, 2024 for decision by Fri, Oct 18th
  • Application period closes 5pm on Mon, Nov 11, 2024 for decision by Fri, Nov 15th
  • Application period closes 5pm on Mon, Dec 9, 2024 for decision by Fri, Dec 13th

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