Humanities 110

Introduction to the Humanities

Paper Topics | Fall 2021 | Paper 1

Due Saturday, September 18, 5:00 p.m., in your conference leader’s Eliot Hall mailbox.

Target length: 1,500 words

While expressed in the first person singular [“I”], “The Dialogue of a Man and His Soul” challenges the possibility of a discrete, unitary self — both in the Man’s engagement with his Soul as a distinct entity, and in the impact that others have on their well-being.  Focusing on the relationship between the Man and his Soul, and/or on relationships among people in the text, make an argument about the self as it is presented in the “Dialogue” and the obstacles and aids to the self’s goal.

In this paper, and in all Humanities papers, you will be practicing the skills of “close reading.” As you analyze the passages, pay careful attention to the language, examining details such as (but not only) imagery, diction (word choice), and the use of repetition. Structure your discussion around a strong central argument by using explicit textual evidence (specific words or phrases) to reach a conclusion. (You should consult the online guide to close reading.)