Human Resources

Pregnancy leave

FMLA/OFLA provides for up to 12 weeks of time off for an illness, injury or condition related to pregnancy or childbirth (pregnancy leave). 

If you are expecting, you should speak with your supervisor as you begin planning your time away from work. You must also make an appointment  with HR to begin the process of applying for your leave. See the FMLA page for further details about this leave. To apply for pregnancy leave, submit a leave of absence request form.


Unless the medical care provider authorizes otherwise, pregnant employees typically work up until their delivery date. Typically, medical care providers authorize six weeks off work after delivery, in order to recover.  Post-pregnancy leave is dictated by your physician and depends on your medical condition.  

What else qualifies as pregnancy leave?

Pregnancy leave covers a range of circumstances that might arise before or after the delivery of the child. This includes but is not limited to

  • Prenatal appointments
  • Morning sickness
  • Bed rest
  • Recovery from the delivery
  • Post-partum depression

Any time that you take off from work related to your pregnancy should be counted towards your twelve weeks of pregnancy leave. 

*Authorization from a medical care provider is not required for absences related to pregnancy under three days in length.  A doctors note must be submitted for any pregnancy related absence extending longer than three days.

Oregon Pregnancy Accomodations notice