Human Resources

Family member serious health condition leave

FMLA and Paid Leave Oregon provide for up to 12 weeks of time off and job protection (within a 12 month rolling calendar year) for the serious health condition of a family member.

A serious health condition is defined as an illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition that involves either

  • an overnight stay in a medical care facility, or
  • continuing treatment by a health care provider

for a condition that prevents a family member from participating in school or other daily activities.

The continuing treatment requirement may be met by

  • a period of incapacity of more than three consecutive calendar days combined with at least two visits to a health care provider, or
  • one visit and a regimen of continuing treatment, or
  • incapacity due to pregnancy, or
  • incapacity due to a chronic condition. 

The common cold, flu, earaches, upset stomach, minor ulcers, headaches other than migraine, routine dental or orthodontia problems, periodontal disease, and cosmetic treatments (without complications) are examples of conditions that are not generally defined as serious health conditions.

Who qualifies as my family member?

For the purposes of leaves of absence, Reed College considers the following as family members:

  • spouse
  • parent (biological, adoptive, step, foster, or in loco parentis)
  • child (biological, adoptive, step, foster, or in loco parentis)
  • parent-in-law
  • grandparent
  • grandchild
  • domestic partner (of any gender)
  • parent or child of domestic partner

In loco parentis is defined as those with day-to-day responsibilities to care for and financially support the child.

Do I have to take this leave all at once?

You will be granted FMLA and/or Paid Leave Oregon in accordance with the instructions of your family member's health care provider.  Intermittent FMLA and/or Paid Leave Oregon leave may be taken when medically necessary and authorized by the health care provider. While on approved intermittent leave, you may be temporarily reassigned to a position that better accommodates an intermittent or reduced schedule, though not without your consent.  

You must make reasonable efforts to schedule intermittent medical treatments so as to minimize disruption of your work group and the college. 

To request family member serious health condition leave, submit a leave of absence request form.

Returning to work after leave

You are expected to return to work promptly after you are finished caring for your family member, even if your leave was originally approved for a longer period of time.  

If you work for other employers during family member serious health condition leave, or if you use leave for purposes other than the purpose for which the leave was granted, you may be subject to discipline up to and including termination.