Honor at Reed

Student Judicial Board


The Reed College Student Judicial Board serves a vital role in a community governed by an Honor Principle. If community members are unable to work out an alleged Honor Principle violation amongst themselves, and formal mediation fails to result in an agreeable solution, then community members may submit a complaint to the Judicial Board for more formal adjudication.

The Complainant does not need to be the alleged victim. Specifically, Judicial Board hears complaints brought by members of the Reed community concerning alleged violations of the honor principle as well as college policies, rules, guidelines, and/or contracts by students. The Judicial Board acts as a fact-finding body that establishes, on a standard of more likely than not (preponderance of evidence), the sequence of events in question.

The Judicial Board then determines what events in question constitute violations and recommends sanctions appropriate to the circumstances of the case. The Judicial Board’s findings and recommendations are then submitted to the Vice President for Student Life or their designee. As the final authority in judicial matters at Reed, the President or designee then decides whether to accept or alter the Judicial Board’s recommendations.

Composition and Training

The Judicial Board consists of twelve full-time students who have not been found responsible of a violation under the process of the Student Judicial Board Code and who are in good academic standing. The Student Senate appoints members to Judicial Board as needed—typically once per semester with a term of one year.

The Judicial Board attends an extensive training each semester on the relevant laws, the Judicial Board Code, college policy, and the college’s adjudicative processes. 

If you are in need of disability-related accommodations or have questions about accessibility at any point in engaging in the judicial process, please contact Judicial Board Advisors.