Reed College Parent & Family Giving Society

Reed College Parent & Family Giving Society

Reed families flock together

The Reed Parent & Family Giving Society recognizes our generous community of families who make a direct impact on nearly every aspect of the college, including financial aid, faculty research, student life, and career exploration.

Giving to Reed is a great way to come together as a community to care for and create opportunities for students.

Your Gifts Make an Impact

Your gifts support inspiring academic programs, systems that nurture and guide exploration, and community-building efforts that center on diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Financial Aid

Gifts to financial aid help Reed welcome and support students who bring their talents and perspectives to the conference table, the lab bench, and the residence hall.

  • Reed meets 100% of demonstrated financial need for all four years.
  • 58% of students are receiving need-based aid in 2023/24, with the average Reed grant totaling $47,666.

Student Discovery

Inquiry, research, and discovery lie at the heart of a Reed education. Donors help us carry out our mission inside the classroom, in the lab, and in the world beyond campus.

  • Summer opportunities: $1.2M awarded for 180 summer research awards and unpaid or underpaid summer internships in 2022
  • Excellence in teaching: 37 endowed professorships as of 2022
  • Student discovery: 357 in-depth 1:1 research consultations with a librarian


Meaningful connections—to both resources and caring community members—enable learning, friendships that last a lifetime, and overall well-being.

According to the 2022 Reed Residential Student Experience Survey:

  • 69% of Reedies felt they made meaningful connections with peers
  • 87% of Reedies found opportunities to engage in social events
  • 74% of Reedies engaged in supportive academic resources
  • 68% of Reedies know how to access well-being resources