German Department


Academic & Language Organizations

Language Resources

  • Slow German
    Slow German is a podcast that can help language learners expand their vocabulary and better their listening comprehension skills.
  • Lingolia Deutsch
    Lingolia is a well organized site that displays overviews of grammar and syntax rules, and has a good collection of interactive exercises sorted by topic. The exercises are not only multiple choice, and allow the user to practice writing out phrases on their own, umlauts provided. This page lays out examples and exceptions to rules, with easily understood explanations.
    This page allows the user to practice by grammar, vocab, or conjugation topic in a flashcard format. Questions are displayed, and the user can think of the answer before clicking “answer” to verify they were correct. This page also provides a ‘theory’ component wherein different patterns and grammar rules are explained with examples.
    This is a simple page containing German exercises sorted by grammar categories, with concentrations on typical “problem areas.” The problems are sorted by difficulty, and are self-correcting. The format is very easy to use. However, there are a limited number of problems for each type. This page does not require making an account, though making a free account will allow one to save their progress.
  • Deutsch Akademie German Grammar Trainer
    Deutsch Akademie also sorts problems by grammar categories, allowing for multiple choice answering of questions. The format can be somewhat confusing as answers are not broken up by space, but the page allows the user to customize by level and number of problems.
  • Deutsch als Fremdsprache

Podcasts for Learning or Practicing your German

  • Nicos Weg
    Follow along with Nico through a series of lessons and adventures for beginners learning German!
  • SWR Wissen Podcast
    For more advanced students: learn about a variety of different relevant topics in SWR’s Wissen podcast.
  • Langsam Gesprochene Nachrichten
    Up to date news stories in German… but told very slowly so German language learners can follow along more easily!
  • The Easy German Podcast
    This podcast discusses topics from Germany and all around the world while also explaining many vocab words and common expressions.
  • Deutsch XXL
    This podcast will help you better your German while learning more about central topics or what’s happening in the world. Episodes are short, and are accompanied by practice questions, glossaries, and transcripts.
  • Einschlafen Podcast
    Ever wanted to save time by learning German in your sleep? Try out Einschlafen podcast, a German podcast meant to help you fall asleep. A soothing voice reads classic German texts as you drift into dreamland…
  • Elementarfragen
    Elementarfragen showcases the exciting stories of interesting personalities. This podcast is for more advanced learners looking to expand their vocabulary and knowledge.

Dictionaries & Encyclopedias

A Web of Online Dictionaries

German-English / English-German

German-German and Dialect Dictionaries

Specialized Glossaries and Encyclopedias


German Book Sources

German Literature Online


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