Faculty Profiles

faculty photo imageNathalia King

David Eddings Professor of English and Humanities
English Department
Division of Literature and Languages

Educated in France, Germany and the US, Nathalia King holds a French baccalaureat, studied at the University of Freiburg, has a B.A. in Comparative Literature from UMass/Amherst and a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from New York University. She has taught at Reed since 1987 and has been the recipient of Fulbright and Mellon grants. Her research focuses on the transitions between oral and literate cultures (in classical and modernist literature); text-image relations; and comparative accounts of consciousness in philosophy, psychology, and literature. Her courses include: Intro to Theory; Literary Theory; Description and Narration; the Literary Imagination and the Working Hand; and Theories of Mind: Representations of Consciousness.

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