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In addition to the readings for each week, there are written assignments for each week.  The conference will be divided into three groups.  Each group will be responsible for one of the three kinds of written assignments in turn.  The first writing assignment is to create a venn diagram, based on similarities or differences you see between the representations of consciousness in one literary and one theoretical text.  The second writing assignment is a single-spaced journal page which is a record either of your thoughtful reaction to the literary text, an imitation of that text's most salient way of representing consciousness, or an account of some aspect of your own consciousness.  The third writing assignment is a 3-4 page paper (double spaced) in which you create an argument analyzing 1 paragraph from the literary text using claims made in the theoretical text or vice versa. All writing, WITHOUT EXCEPTION, is due in hard copy at the beginning of conference.  You should always be prepared to present the content of your writing to the conference orally; you will frequently be requested to do so. There will be no writing due the week before fall break and none due the last week of class.  There will be no other written assignments or exams.

Part 1: Developing consciousness through language, the social world, and embodiment

Week Literary Text Theory
1 Emma Donoghue, Room (2010) Chapters 1 and 2, pp 3-97
  1. Vygotsky,  "Thought and Word" in Thought and Language. Pp 210-256. (e-reserves)
2 Jennifer Egan,  Visit from the Goon Squad , Chapter 12
Link to Powerpoint
  1. Bakhtin, "Discourse in the Novel" From Literary Theory: An Anthology, p. 32-44 (e-reserves)
3 Samuel Beckett, "Not I" (e-reserves)
Link to YouTube
  1. The Handbook of Consciousness, 200-202 (e-reserves)
  2. Baars, In the Theater of Consciousness, 39-61 (e-reserves)
  3. Lacan, "Function and Field of Speech and Language" in Ecrits (e-reserves)

Part 2: Models of Sense Experience, Temporality, Emotion, and Memory

Week Literary Text Theory
4 Ralph Ellison, Invisible Man, Chapters 6-16
  1. W.E.B. DuBois, The Souls of Black Folk, Chapter 1, Of Our Spiritual Strivings (e-reserves)
  2. Fanon, Psychopathology of the Negro (e-reserves)
  3. Ellison, On Being the Target of Discrimination (e-reserves)
5 Ralph Ellison, Invisible Man, prologue and epilogue
  1. Ellison, Remembering Jimmy (e-reserves)
  2. Ellison, The Charlie Christian Story (e-reserves)
  3. Eliot, Tradition and the Individual Talent (e-reserves)
6 Faulkner, The Sound and The Fury (1940), "Benjy Section" pp 3-48
  1. Jakobson, "Two Aspects of Language" p. 69-96. 26 pages (e-reserves)
  2. Merleau-Ponty, "Sense Experience," Phenomenology of Perception (240-282) (e-reserves)
7 Faulkner, The Sound and The Fury (1940), "Quentin Section" pp 48-113
  1. William James, "Stream of Thought", Sections I, II, III, from Principles of Psychology Vol. I (1890) (online)
8 Woolf, Jacob's Room (1922), Chapters 1-7
  1. Merleau-Ponty, "Other Selves and the Human World," Phenomenology of Perception (403-412) (e-reserves)
  2. Merleau-Ponty, "Other Selves and the Human World," Phenomenology of Perception (413-425) (e-reserves)
9 Woolf, Jacob's Room (1922) Chapters 8-14
  1. Freud, "Mourning and Melancholia" p 584-589 (e-reserves)


Part 3: Consciousness and Language: Object Relations, Mental Imagery, and Intersubjectivity

Week Literary Text Theory
10 Stein, Tender Buttons (1912), Objects pp 3-17
  1. Pound, ABC of Reading, Chapters 1-3 and part of 4 (Pages 17-40) and Chapter 8. (online)
  2. Noam Chomsky, "Language and Problems of Knowledge" Ch 2 pp 34-38, Ch 3 pp 68-75, 89-92 (e-reserves)
11 Stein, Tender Buttons (1912), Rooms pp 43-52
  1. William James, "Stream of Thought" Selections and "Association" from Principles of Psychology Vol. I (1890) (e-reserves)
12 Henry James, The Golden Bowl (1904), Book First
  1. William James, "Imagination" Principles of Psychology Vol II (1890) (e-reserves)
13 Henry James, The Golden Bowl (1904), Books Second and Third
  1. Spinoza, Index of the main concepts of the Ethics (e-reserves)
14 Henry James, The Golden Bowl (1904), Books Fourth and Fifth
  1. Luria (e-reserves)
  2. King