Economics Department

Noelwah R. Netusil

Stanley H. Cohn Professor of EconomicsNetusil image

Department of Economics
Reed College
3203 SE Woodstock Blvd
Portland, OR 97202-8199, USA

Vollum 227
Office: 503-517-7306
Fax: 503-777-7776

Ph.D. Economics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1992
B.S. Chemistry and Economics, Allegheny College 1986

Community Service


  • Economics 201: Introduction to Economic Analysis
  • Economics 311: Survey of Econometric Methods
  • Economics 348: Economics of the Public Sector
  • Economics 351: Environmental Economics
  • Economics 352: Natural Resource Economics
  • Economics 371: Law and Economics


My current research projects focus on the effect of flooding and floodplain location on property sale prices and on sustainable stormwater solutions.

Recent publications include:

Netusil, N.R. and M. Walkiewicz. 2024. Unlocking Success: Key Lessons from Academia-Government Collaborations in Advancing Public PolicyHarvard ALI Social Impact Review (May 28).

L., Sitong, F. K. S. Chan, W. Y. Chen, N.R. Netusil, M. Feng, L. Xie, Y Qi, S. Xu, and A. Cheshmehzangi. 2024. Home-Buying Decisions Influenced by the Implementation of Nature-Based Solutions: The Case of Sponge City, Guiyang SW China. Nature-Based Solutions

Kousky, C. and N.R. Netusil. 2023. Flood Insurance Literacy and Flood Risk Knowledge: Evidence from Portland, Oregon. Risk Management and Insurance Review 26(2) 175-201.

Netusil, N.R., S. Dissanayake, L. Lavelle ('21), A. W. Ando, and K. K. Wells. 2023. Does Presentation Matter? An Analysis of Images and Text in a Choice Experiment of Green Roofs. QOpen 3(1).

Sullivan, E. J. and N.R. Netusil. 2022. Oregon's Goal 9: Economic Development and Land Use Planning. Willamette Law Review 58 (3) 363-436.

Netusil, N.R., L. Lavelle ('21),  S. Dissanayake, and Amy W. Ando. 2022. Valuing the Public Benefits of Green Roofs Landscape and Urban Planning. 224.

Brook M., A. Amos, J.F. Cerra, C. Cheng, D.L. Feldman, T. Lau, N.R. Netusil, E. Porse. 2022. Redrawing our Urban Waters: Merging Design, Law, and Policy in Advancing Distributed Water Systems. The Routledge Handbook of Sustainable Cities and Landscapes in the Pacific Rim.

O'Donnell, E.C., S.N. Gosling, N.R. Netusil, F.K.S. Chan, N.J. Dolman. 2021. Perceptions of Blue-Green and Grey Infrastructure as Climate Change Adaptation Strategies for Urban Water Resilience. Journal of the British Academy.

Netusil, N.R., C. Kousky, S. Neupane ('20), W. Daniel ('20), and H. Kunreuther. 2021. The Willingness to Pay for Flood Insurance Land Economics 97(1).

Netusil, N.R. and C. Kousky. 2021. The Coming Storm: How U.S. Cities Are Managing Stormwater from Increasingly Extreme Rainfall Events. Wharton Risk Management and Decision Processes Center Issue Brief (August).

O'Donnell, E.C., N.R. Netusil, F.K.S. Chan, N.J. Dolman, and S.N. Gosling. 2021. International Perceptions of Urban Blue-Green Infrastructure: A Comparison across Four Cities Water 13(4), 544.

Kousky, C, N.R. Netusil, and G. Moldovan-Trujillo. 2020. The Mispricing of Flood Insurance: A Look at Portland, Oregon. Wharton Risk Management and Decision Processes Center Issue Brief (December).

Ando, A.,C.L. Cadavid, N.R. Netusil, and B. Parthum. 2020. Willingness-to-Volunteer and Stability of Preferences Between Cities: Estimating the Benefits of Stormwater Management Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 99 (January).

Netusil, N.R., K. Moeltner, and M. Jarrad ('14). 2019. Floodplain Designation and Property Sale Prices in an Urban Watershed  Land Use Policy 88 (November): 104-112.

Netusil, N.R., M. Jarrad ('14), and K. Moeltner. 2019. Research Note: The Effect of Stream Restoration Attributes on Property Sale Prices Landscape and Urban Planning 185 (May): 158-162.

Jarrad, M. ('14), N. R. Netusil, K. Moeltner, A. Morzillo, and J. A. Yeakley. 2018. Urban Stream Restoration Projects: Do Project Phase, Distance, and Type Affect Nearby Property Sales?  Land Economics 94(3) 368-385.

Ando, A. and N.R. Netusil. 2018. Valuing the Benefits of Green Stormwater Infrastructure  Oxford Research Encyclopedia Environmental Science.

Morzillo, A. T., B. J. Kreakie, N. R. Netusil, J. A. Yeakley, C. P. Ozawa, and S. Duncan. 2016. Resident Perceptions of Natural Resources Between Cities and Across Scales in the Pacific Northwest Ecology and Society 21 (3) 14-27.

Netusil, N.R., M. Kincaid ('13), and H. Chang. 2014. Valuing Water Quality in Urban Watersheds: A Comparative Analysis of Johnson Creek, Oregon and Burnt Bridge Creek, Washington.  Water Resources Research 50(5): 4254-4268.

Chang, H., P. Thiers, N.R. Netusil, J.A. Yeakley, G. Rollwagen-Bollens, S.M. Bollens, and S. Singh. 2014. Relationships Between Environmental Governance and Water Quality in a Growing Metropolitan Area of the Pacific Northwest, USA. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 18(4): 1383-1395.

Netusil, N.R., Z. Levin ('11), V. Shandas, and T. Hart. 2014. Valuing Green Infrastructure in Portland Oregon.  Landscape and Urban Planning 124: 14-21.

Ando, A. W. and N.R. Netusil. 2013. A Tale of Many Cities: Using Low-Impact Development to Reduce Urban Water Pollution. Choices 28 (3).

Netusil, N. R. 2013. Urban Environmental Amenities and Property Values: Does Ownership Matter? Land Use Policy 31: 371-377.

Kadish, J. and N. R. Netusil. 2012. Valuing Vegetation in an Urban Watershed.  Landscape and Urban Planning 104 (1) 59-65.

Netusil, N. R., S. Chattopadhyay and K. Kovacs. 2010. Estimating the Demand for Tree Canopy: A Second-Stage Hedonic Price Analysis. Land Economics 86 (2): 281-293.

Netusil, N. R. and M. T. Summers ('08). 2009. Valuing Instream Flows Using the Hedonic Price Method. Water Resources Research 45 (11).

Butsic, V. ('03) and N. R. Netusil. 2007. Estimating a Price for Water Rights in the Umpqua Basin, Oregon.  Journal of the American Water Resources Association 43 (3): 622-629.

Crouter, J. and N. R. Netusil.  2007. A Cross-Campus Cooperative Course Project on the Estimated Benefits of Snake River Salmon and Steelhead Restoration. Perspectives on Economic Education Research 3 (1): 2-16.

Netusil, N. R. 2006.  Economic Valuation of Riparian Corridors and Upland Wildlife Habitat in an Urban Watershed Journal of Water Research and Education 134 (July): 39-45.

Netusil, N. R. 2005. The Effect of Environmental Zoning and Amenities on Property Values: Portland Oregon Land Economics 81 (2): 227-246.

Huzar, E. J., N. R. Netusil and W. D. Shaw. 2001. Contingent Valuation of Some Externalities from Mine Dewatering Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 127(6): 369-377.

Lutzenhiser, M. ('00) and N. R. Netusil. 2001. The Effect of Open Space Type on a Home’s Sale Price: Portland, Oregon Contemporary Economic Policy 19 (1): 291-298.

Netusil, N. R. and J. B. Braden. 2001. Transaction Costs and Sequential Bargaining in Transferable Discharge Permit Markets Journal of Environmental Management 61(3): 253-262.

Bolitzer, B. ('95) and N. R. Netusil. 2000. The Impact of Open Spaces on Property Values in Portland, Oregon Journal of Environmental Management 59 (3):185-193.

Netusil, N. R., E. Boyd ('99), Z. van Giffen ('00), and M. La Merrill ('02).  2000. Can Open Spaces be Self-Financing: Results from Portland, Oregon Choices (Second Quarter) 21-23.

Netusil, N. R. 2000.  Variations on a Theme: The Double-Oral Auction Market Experiment and Voluntary Contribution Mechanism Experiment. Review of Agricultural Economics 22 (1) 268-285.

Seung, C. K., T. R. Harris, J. E. Englin, and N. R. Netusil. 2000. Impacts of Water Reallocation: A Combined Computable General Equilibrium and Recreation Demand Model Approach Annals of Regional Science 34 (4) 473-487.

Huszar, E., W. D. Shaw, J. Englin, and N. R. Netusil. 1999. Recreational Damages from Reservoir Storage Level Changes Water Resources Research 35 (11) 3489-3494.

Seung, C. K., T. R. Harris, J. E. Englin, and N. R. Netusil. 1999. Application of a Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) Model to Evaluate Surface Water Reallocation Policies The Review of Regional Studies 29 (2) 139-156.

Netusil, N. R. and M. Haupert. 1999 Teaching Experiments: A Classroom Primer Business Education Forum 53(3) 40-42.

Netusil, N. R. and M. Haupert. 1995 The Economics of Information: A Classroom Experiment Journal of Economic Education. 26(4) 357-363.

Braden, J. B., N. R. Netusil and Richard Kosobud. 1994. Incentive-Based Nonpoint Source Pollution Abatement in a Reauthorized Clean Water Act Water Resources Bulletin 30 (5) 781-791.

Netusil, N. R. and J. B. Braden. 1993. Market and Bargaining Approaches to Nonpoint Source Pollution Abatement Problems Water Science and Technology 28(3-5) 35-45.

Community Service

Current Service

I am the program chair for the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists sessions at the Western Economic Association International Conference.  I am also on the editorial board of Landscape and Urban Planning

Past Service

I have served on several nonprofit boards including Mercy Corps Northwest (2006-2018), Audubon Society of Portland (2011-2014), The Resource Innovation Group/The Climate Leadership Initiative (2004-2010), Oregon Water Trust (2006-2008), and Green House Network/Focus the Nation (1999-2006).  I was an Associate Editor for Landscape and Urban Planning (2016-2020) and on the editorial board of Land Economics (2007-2021). I served on the Northwest Power and Conservation Council's Independent Economic Analysis Board (2003-2018) and on the Urban Ecosystem Research Consortium of Portland/Vancouver Steering Committee.  I was also on the team that developed the Moneyville exhibit for the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry.