From Excel (with readxl)

If you are working with an Excel file, you can read your data into R using the readxl package. First, install the readxl package:


Once the readxl package is installed, load it into your environment with library().


The package readxl contains a function called read_excel(), which is very similar to read_csv(). The main difference between these two tools is that the file is be a .xls or .xlsx:

cat_data <- read_excel("Desktop/Reed/Bio123/cats.xls")

If you have multiple sheets in your Excel file, read_excel() can access all of them. Perhaps the cats.xls data has three sheets: the first sheet is about indoor cats, the second is about outdoor cats, and the third is about stray cats. You can load these in as follows:

indoor_cat <- read_excel(path = "Desktop/Reed/Bio123/cats.xls", sheet = 1)
outdoor_cat <- read_excel(path = "Desktop/Reed/Bio123/cats.xls", sheet = 2)
stray_cat <- read_excel(path = "Desktop/Reed/Bio123/cats.xls", sheet = 3)

You can also call the sheets by their names instead of by numbers:

indoor_cat <- read_excel(path = "Desktop/Reed/Bio123/cats.xls", sheet = "Indoor")
outdoor_cat <- read_excel(path = "Desktop/Reed/Bio123/cats.xls", sheet = "Outdoor")
stray_cat <- read_excel(path = "Desktop/Reed/Bio123/cats.xls", sheet = "Stray")

This code will help you to bring in data directly from Excel sheets. If you want to learn more about the readxl package or the read_excel() function, the Tidyverse documentation for readxl provides a more extensive overview of the package and its functions.