Data @ Reed

Working with Spreadsheets in R

There are a few good packages for interacting with data from a spreadsheet into R. Some of these are readxl, openxlsx and googlesheets.


Reading a local Excel spreadsheet (.xls or .xlsx) can be done with the following method.

read_excel("example_doc.xlsx", sheet = "sheet1")

Writing to an Excel sheet can be done with the openxlsx package. The main steps are:

  1. Create a blank workbook
  2. Add a sheet to the workbook
  3. Write data onto the sheet
  4. Repeat 2 and 3 for as many sheets as you need.
  5. Save the workbook to an Excel file.
book <- createWorkbook()
addWorksheet(book, "Sheet name")
writeData(book, "Sheet name", data_object)
saveWorkbook(book, file = "test_spreadsheet.xlsx", overwrite = TRUE)

You can find more information on writing Excel files here.

Google Sheets

Reading in a Google Sheet is a little more complicated, because you need to give R access to your Google Drive account in order to access the file. This is a different process if you are using R on your computer versus Reed’s R server.

After installing the googlesheets package, try running the following code to prompt R to authenticate your Google account. Follow the instructions that R and the Google authenticator give you to set up access.

On the R server:

gs_auth(new_user = TRUE)

On your computer:

gs_auth(new_user = TRUE)

After authenticating, you can access a sheet by its URL with the following method.

sheet <- gs_url("
) table <- gs_read(sheet)

You can also download a Google Sheet directly with the following code.

gs_download(sheet, to = "test_table.csv")