Data @ Reed

R Setup Guide

Installing R

From the CRAN homepage, click on the download link that matches your OS (MacOS or Windows). On the following page, find the version of R that matches your version and download that package binary (Mac, “R-version_number.pkg”) or executable (Windows, “R-version_number-win.exe”.

For Mac, check your OS version by clicking Apple - About This Mac on the top left of your screen. For Windows, this information will be under a menu titled About your PC or PC Settings or Computer - Properties.

R mac binary download

Package location after download - Mac

R windows exe download

Package location after download - Windows

After downloading, open up the file you just downloaded and follow the installation instructions.


Installing RStudio

From the RStudio download page, download the installer that matches your operating system (see above for checking version requirements). After downloading, click on the download in your file system (similar to installing R above) and follow the installer instructions.

RStudio mac download

Installer location after download - Mac

RStudio windows download

Installer location after download - Windows


Installing LaTeX

To produce pdf reports or display math in R, you may need to install LaTeX. CIS has instructions for that here.