Data @ Reed

QGIS Shortcuts

I want to…


Function is:

Find features within a certain distance.

Find all houses within a floodplain.

Vector Selection: Extract by distance

Vector Geometry: Buffer + Vector Selection: Extract by location

Find the features closest to…

Find the nearest school to each census tract.

Vector Analysis: Distance to nearest hub

Vector Analysis: Shortest line between features

Find all features of a certain type.

Get only single family homes.

Vector Selection: Extract by attribute

Find features smaller/larger than…

Find parks larger than 5 acres.

Vector Selection: Extract by expression

Combine features based on a variable. 

Combine industrial and commercial zones.

Vector General: Join attributes by… [multiple options]

Remove boundaries between features.

Merge Washington and Oregon into one location.

Vector Geometry: Dissolve

Get statistics for my data.

Find the average house price separated by race.

Vector Analysis: Statistics by categories

Count points in an area.

Count all the trees on a city map.

Vector Analysis: Count points in polygon

Calculate density from a raster picture.

Find the percent forest coverage of an area based on aerial photograph.

Raster Analysis: Zonal Statistics + Raster Analysis: Fill NoData Cells [to set zeroes]

Change the CRS.

My points show up in the ocean!

Vector General: Reproject Layer