Conferences are where most of our work as a community of learners happens, so it’s important that you attend regularly and arrive on time. That said, I understand that on occasion it is necessary to miss a conference due to illness, family emergency, or other obligations. If you must miss a class, your first task is to communicate with me as soon as possible about how to make up missed work. (Typically this will require you to write a short response to the readings and a few questions you would have liked to discuss in class). If you do not communicate with me, your absence will be counted as unexcused. Everyone gets one ‘free’ unexcused absence, but after that your participation grade will be penalized; students who have more than three unexcused absences in a semester are at risk of failing the course.
Flexibility. Unexpected things happen. I want to help and work with you so you can learn in this course. If there is something going on that’s impacting your engagement with this course, I expect you will email me so we can come up with a strategy for how to address it. We have more options when making arrangements in advance, so I strongly encourage reaching out to me as soon as you can, even if just to say, “Hey I wanted to let you know, [this thing] might be an issue, I won’t know until [timeframe].” While I am always here to listen, I don’t want you to feel that you have to share anything personal. For example, it’s okay to simply say you’ve had a family emergency. [Nicole James]
What should I do if I must miss a conference because of an emergency?
Everyone is afforded two absences in this course, which should hopefully cover any days that you must miss conference. Subsequent absences will affect your grade, as outlined in the Grade Scale.
Exceptions will be made for emergency leaves of absence, which are processed through the Student Life Office when a student needs to be away from conference for an extended period of time (up to two weeks) due to unexpected circumstances (click here for more information about emergency leaves of absence).
Students with DAR accommodations for absences will be afforded an extra two absences (up to four) before absences begin to affect their grade, but must submit four discussion generating questions and write 250-word responses to at least two of those questions as a make-up assignment for each absence beyond the second absence (maximum of two additional absences). I must receive notice of your accommodation from DAR in advance of your absences.