The Center for Teaching and Learning

Generative AI Resources for Faculty

Additional Resources

Resource Guides

What is ChatGPT?

Generative AI And Accessibility

AI and Bias

Brian Christian, The Alignment Problem (Norton, 2020). Christian has written extensively about the ways that algorithms and AI reflect and reinforce gender and racial biases in this book; you can hear him discussing it with Ezra Klein on the Ezra Klein Show

Academic Integrity, Ethics, & Citation

Alexander Amigud & Thomas Lancaster, 246 reasons to cheat: An analysis of students’ reasons for seeking to outsource academic work, Computers & Education, Volume 134 (2019): 98-107.

Disciplinary Guidance

MLA-CCCC Joint Task Force on Writing and AI Working Paper: Overview of the Issues, Statement of Principles, and Recommendations

APA: How to cite ChatGPT

Thinking Creatively 

Chris M. Anson & Ingeride S. Straume, “View of Amazement and Trepidation: Implications of AI-Based Natural Language Production for the Teaching of Writing.”  Journal of Academic Writing 12.1 (Winter 2022): 1-9. 

Kevin Roose, Futureproof: Nine Rules for Humans in the Age of Automation (Random House, 2021).

Learn more about the technology, including ethical, privacy, and equity concerns.

Reflect on, develop, and communicate your own classroom policies toward generative AI.

Consider revising your assignments to disincentivize shortcuts, to make learning goals transparent, and to prioritize student voice and ideas.

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