COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions

With the end of the federal COVID-19 emergency, Reed College has moved toward incorporating sustainable public health activities into routine practice.


In line with Oregon Health Authority guidance, Reed College does not require use of face coverings in most situations. Masks are still required in health care settings, including Reed’s Health and Counseling Center. Individuals are also required to wear a mask if they have tested positive for COVID-19, have COVID-like symptoms, or were exposed to COVID in the previous 10 days. In addition, class, meeting, or event organizers may choose to require masks for particular gatherings at their own discretion. The college highly encourages mask wearing during periods of elevated COVID activity in the community, as well as for all who feel more comfortable with face coverings in any situation.

The college has a supply of disposable face coverings available for community members as needed. Face coverings can be picked up from Mail Services during normal business hours or at the front door of the Health & Counseling Center. Face coverings can also be purchased at the Reed bookstore.

In the event of a COVID-19 outbreak, Reed’s Emergency Response Team will take steps to assess the situation, make changes to policies or activities as needed, and share updates and guidance with the campus community. This response is in alignment with the college’s Infectious Disease Incident Response Plan, which was developed following the COVID-19 emergency. For more information, review the Reed College Emergency Response Plan.

FAQ for students

Whether you live on or off campus, if you have symptoms of COVID-19, stay home and contact the Health & Counseling Center (HCC):

HCC staff will be able to assess your symptoms, give you advice on how to treat them, and talk to you about options for appointments and testing. If you must leave your home while sick with COVID-like symptoms, wear a mask and avoid close contact with others.

Students who are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms or who have been exposed to someone who tested positive should contact the Health & Counseling Center (HCC) to talk about testing options. This may include testing at home or an appointment to be tested at the HCC.

Students are encouraged to keep a stock of COVID-19 tests at home to use in case of symptoms or exposure. Home test kits can be purchased at the HCC, at many local pharmacies, and online.

For students who are seeking a test for reasons other than symptoms or potential exposure, other community resources may be available:

If you test positive, isolate yourself at home or in your residence hall room. Do your best to stay in your room and away from roommates. When using shared spaces (such as the bathroom or kitchen) wear a mask, avoid close contact with others, and wipe down surfaces after use.

If you tested positive on a home test or at an off-campus clinic, it is important to report the result to the HCC. Call 503-777-7281, send an email to, or send a secure message through the student health portal. If you tested positive from a test at the HCC, you will receive a call with further instructions.

Starting with the fall 2023 semester, students are no longer required to move to isolation housing if they test positive for COVID-19. Instead, they will be expected to isolate at home or in their residence hall room. Limited emergency housing resources may be available for students with extenuating circumstances.

Positive individuals should isolate for at least 5 days, counting from either the first day of symptoms or the day the positive test was collected. After 5 days, you may leave isolation once you are fever-free for 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medication) and your other symptoms are improving. Regardless of how long you isolate, for at least 10 days you should wear a mask and avoid being around people who are more likely to get very sick from COVID-19.

While in isolation, please stay home from in-person classes, work, and other activities and stay in your own room as much as possible. If you need to leave to use the bathroom or use common areas, please do so quickly and do your best to use these spaces while others are not there. Always wear a mask and wipe down surfaces after use.

If possible, have a friend or delivery service drop off food for you. If that’s not possible, order food to-go and pick up quickly while wearing a mask. Don’t linger, stop to chat, or eat with others.

While in isolation, it is fine to step outside or go for a walk to get some fresh air! As with other situations, make sure you are masked and away from others.

If you may have been exposed to COVID-19, wear a mask and avoid being around people who are more likely to get very sick from COVID-19 for at least 10 days. Monitor for COVID-like symptoms and, if any develop, stay home and contact the HCC (503-777-7281,, or by secure message through the student health portal).

Regardless of whether or not you develop symptoms, it is recommended to test 5 or more days after your exposure. Even if you test negative, continue to take precautions for the full 10 days.

Students should reach out to their individual faculty members or instructors if they must miss class due to illness or isolation. Faculty will work to provide alternative options to help students keep up with their coursework during this time.

Students who wish to request formal accommodations related to COVID-19 should contact Reed Disability and Accessibility Resources (DAR). In general, accommodations are made through an individualized process and in partnership between the student, DAR, and their faculty.

Students are strongly encouraged to maintain up-to-date COVID-19 vaccinations (as defined by the CDC). 

Students can contact the HCC (503-777-7281,, or by secure message through the student health portal) to discuss vaccination or make a vaccination appointment.

COVID vaccinations are also widely available in the community at pharmacies and clinics; the Department of Health and Human Services’ VaccineFinder allows users to search for appointments by zip code and vaccine type.

Reed College Health & Counseling Center

FAQ for staff

If you have symptoms of COVID-19, stay home and contact the human resources office (HR):

HR will provide you with support and additional guidance. If you must leave your home while sick with COVID-like symptoms, wear a mask and avoid close contact with others.

Employees who are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms or who have been exposed to someone who tested positive should contact their healthcare provider to discuss testing options. Home tests are also widely available and can be purchased at many local pharmacies and online.

For those who are seeking a test for reasons other than symptoms or potential exposure, other community resources may be available:

If you test positive, stay home and contact HR (503-777-7255 or HR staff will provide you with instructions and support and may recommend you contact your healthcare provider for additional medical guidance.

While isolating, do your best to stay in one room and away from others in your household. When using shared spaces (such as the bathroom or kitchen), wear a mask, avoid close contact with others, and wipe down surfaces after use.

  • Notify your supervisor and Human Resources of as soon as possible of the date of your positive test results
  • Stay Home until you are fever free for 24 hours
  • For 10 days, stay away from others who are high risk or in congregate care facilities
  • Mask for 10 days

Monitor for COVID-like symptoms and, if any develop, be sure to test.

Employees who miss work due to COVID must use available sick pay for time loss. For more information on sick pay, please review Reed’s sick pay policy.

All Reed employees are encouraged to remain up-to-date on COVID-19 vaccination (as defined by the CDC).

Employees should contact their healthcare provider to discuss vaccination or make a vaccination appointment. COVID vaccinations are also widely available in the community at pharmacies and clinics; the Department of Health and Human Services’ VaccineFinder allows users to search for appointments by zip code and vaccine type.

Human Resources