Community Safety Smoking & Tobacco Engagement Summary
With the passage of Senate Bill 754, which went into effect on January 1, 2018, it became illegal to sell tobacco products and inhalant devices to anyone under the age of 21. The law also instructs colleges and universities in Oregon to prohibit the possession of tobacco products on its campuses. The law’s definition of “facility” includes private colleges and states:
Section 14 (2): A facility shall not permit a person under 21 years of age to possess tobacco products or inhalant delivery systems while the person is present on facility grounds or in facility buildings or attending facility-sponsored activities.
As part of the required implementation, Community Safety Officers (CSOs) will engage with people on campus when they become aware of behaviors that are not consistent with the law. Specifically, CSOs will approach people who are exposing others, but especially minors, to involuntarily second-hand smoke. CSOs will also approach people who are believed to be under 21 years of age and in possession of tobacco or an inhalant delivery system.
CSOs will use similar engagement criteria as they use for minors in position of alcohol. In short, if there is no other policy infraction occurring, CSOs will not approach anyone whom they believe is at least 21; they will presume law and policy are being followed. If, however, a CSO either knows or has information that makes them suspect someone is under 21, the CSO will engage with the person and inquire about their age.
CSOs will ask any minor found in possession of tobacco or inhalant delivery systems to surrender them and they will be destroyed.
The change in Oregon law required Reed to respond in a timely fashion. Reed's legislation committee will consider more substantive policy proposals in the spring, or some time thereafter. The committee could review and potentially amendment to the rules of engagement.
If you are interested in quitting, or supporting a friend who is quitting, the HCC has gathered tobacco cessation resources you may find helpful.