Campus Crime
General Crime InformationAnnual Security Report |
Crime Awareness
Outdoor Emergency Phones
Outdoor phones have been installed on the Reed College campus to make it easier for community members to report emergency situations and get in touch with each other.
The blue light phones are located at:
- Amber Bridge - NE side
- Amber Bridge - S side
- Anna Mann - NE side
- Art Building - on the path to the CAC house
- Birchwood Apartments - NE patio
- Birchwood Apartments - SE & SW parking lot
- Chemistry - Loading Dock
- Chittick residence hall - E patio
- DOJO - front door
- East Parking Lot - N side of Chinese House (Woodstock 4)
- Foster/Scholz - SW corner in West Parking Lot
- Health & Counseling Center - front door
- MacNaughton - N door
- McKinley - SE corner of residence hall
- Naito/Sullivan - Breezeway
- ODB - Sallyport
- Parker House - E wall
- Performing Arts Building - E main
- Performing Arts Building - Loading Dock
- Performing Arts Building - W main
- Prexy - SW corner in West Parking Lot
- Psychology Building - S side
- Reed College Apartments (RCA) - South Bike Rack & South Wall of RCA 7
- Rugby Field - SE corner
- Sitka - NW corner between dorm and field
- Sports Center - E side across from Commons
- Sports Center - NW entrance
- Sports Field - Restrooms
- Student Union - Old Paradox
- West Parking Lot - Scholz NW
- West Parking Lot - Scholz SW
Reporting Crimes
If you are the victim of a crime on campus, please call Community Safety at the main college switchboard by dialing '0' from a campus phone, or 503-788-6666, to reach the switchboard emergency line. You may also dial 9-1-1.
In cooperation with the Portland Police Bureau, and as an aid to campus crime prevention, Community Safety Officers write reports for on-campus crimes, forwarding them to the police records section when applicable. Such reports routinely include incidents of theft, burglary, and vandalism. For more serious crimes such as assault, the police bureau is, at the victim's option, called in to assist. In this way we hope to track minor crimes while connecting the campus to all the resources of a large metropolitan police department.
Members of the community who prefer to do so may report any crime directly to the Portland Police Bureau. The Community Safety department will gladly help you with any police report.
Community Safety asks that you provide us with crime information so that we may help you recover your property and keep our campus crime statistics accurate. Reed is fortunate to be in a safe area of Portland, but crimes do occur. Crime reports and department activity are summarized yearly, with many campus crimes routinely reported in the campus newspaper. As circumstances warrant, crime alerts may be prepared and distributed either selectively or campus-wide.
Theft of Bicycles
Always secure your bicycle and helmet with a high-security U-lock attached to an immovable object in an open, highly frequented area. Be sure to secure or take with you any easily removable bike parts. For added security, register your bike with Reed College and Project 529.
Community Safety has partnered with Project 529 for our bicycle registration program. Through Project 529, it is extremely easy to register your bicycle for more protection, and the cost of the program is covered by Reed College. Make sure you have your bicycle's serial number, found on the frame of the bicycle, and follow this link to the specific Project 529 landing page for Reed College. The entire process is quick and easy.
If you have any questions regarding this process, please contact Community Safety. This program is available through the college only to the Reed community of students, staff, and faculty. The city of Portland also has a bike registration service with Project 529 which members of the public may use.
Theft of Motor Vehicles
Vehicles and items left in them can be targets. If you must leave valuables in the car, be sure to lock them in the trunk. If you are going to buy an expensive stereo for your car, purchase it with a detachable face plate. Also get into the habit of keeping your car doors locked when driving.
To help keep your car secure, purchase a wheel locking device for the steering wheel. If you purchase an alarm system for your car, purchase one that will automatically prevent your car from starting until the alarm is reset properly. If you already have any or all of these items, be sure and use them.
Finally, remember to register your vehicle with the Community Safety department. It's free.
Theft of Property
The most common items stolen on any campus are wallets, backpacks, books, bicycles, and computers. For the most part, these thefts are crimes of opportunity. We find that most stolen items were left out in plain view, unprotected, or unattended. Leaving items at desks, in offices, or in backpacks makes them vulnerable to theft. If you do leave items in your dormitory room or office, be sure the door is locked. Ideally, keep your valuables in view at all times.
Immediately report any theft to the Community Safety department by calling 503-788-6666.
Community Safety Officers will assist you in filing a police report and can provide a copy of the police report for your insurance agency.
One of the best deterrents against theft is to mark your personal items. The Community Safety department has an engraver for members of the community to permanently mark valuables like computers, stereos, and TVs. Engraving your driver's license number or your name onto items makes it difficult for a thief to sell stolen goods and also allows you and the police to easily identify your property if it is stolen. Never inscribe a personal number such as your social security number, bank ID number, address, or birth date on your personal property.
Victim Assistance for Crimes
In addition to specialized advocates, the district attorney has a general victim's assistance program that acts as an advocate for crime victims, makes referrals, and keeps victims informed on the status of their case. The state also operates a crime victim's compensation program, which offers compensation for medical and similar no-property expenses to those who meet the following criteria:
- Expenses incurred as the result of a crime in Oregon
- Timely reporting of the crime (with some exceptions)
- Cooperation in apprehension and prosecution
- No wrongdoing or provocation by claimant
- Claim filed within six months
The mental stress brought on by being the victim of a crime can be physically damaging and lower your quality of life. During the school year, student life personnel are on call 24 hours a day and can be reached by calling Community Safety. The Health Center is open daily (9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday) and maintains an extensive staff of counselors and others to assist you. Health Center counselors are required to observe the same confidentiality laws as all other counselors.
Those wanting crisis help from on- or off-campus resources can refer to this list of emergency phone numbers.