"Zhouyu" (Poem #25)
Vigorously sprouting are the reeds.
One shot kills five sows.
Alas, the Zhouyu!

Vigorously sprouting is the wormwood.
One shot kills five hogs.
Alas, the Zhouyu!

(tr. Hyong Rhew)

                         **Zhouyu, according to Mao's commentary, is a mythological animal known for its
                        righteousness.  However, other scholars have convincingly demonstrated that it is the
                        name of an office at the court of the son of heaven in charge of birds and beasts.

The preface to this poem reads:

                         "Zhouyu" echoes "Quechao."  When the transformation that "Quechao" shows is
                         manifested, human relations are rectified, the court is in order, and the world is
                         influenced by the transformation by King Wen.  Then myriad things flourish, and the
                         harvest from the field accords with the season.  Goodness of "Zhouyu" is the
                         perfection of the kingly way.