"Quechao" (Poem #12)

The magpie has a nest,
But the cuckoo lives in it.
This girl goes to be married;
A hundred coaches receive her.

The magpie has a nest,
But the cuckoo makes a home in it.
This girl goes to get married;
A hundred coaches see her off.

The magpie has a nest,
But the cuckoo fills it.
This girl goes to get married;
A hundred coaches gird her.

(tr. Hyong Rhew)

 The preface to this poem reads:

                           "Quechao" is about the virtue of a lady.  The ruler of a state accumulates good deeds
                           and accomplishments to reach the nobility.  The lady makes the family prosperous.
                           Her virtues are like the cuckoo.  They can be matched to his.