James Lab

Group Values and Norms

This statement was collaboratively developed with research students in Summer 2021, and is discussed and revised annually with current research members.  

Lab Values


We believe every member of the group has unique strengths, and that our work and lives benefit from every individual being able to share their perspectives, thoughts, and feelings, without concern. We are committed to clear interpersonal communication, and actively addressing exclusionary structures when we find them in our group or institution.


Mutual respect is a core value that permeates all our group norms and values. We respect the dignity and intrinsic worth and value of each individual, who they are, and the choices they make about themselves and their lives.


We recognize that racism is a societal problem that must be constantly, actively challenged and opposed. We acknowledge that racism is embedded in our societal and institutional structures, policies, and systems, and has led to the systematic marginalization of individuals based on their race and ethnicity. We are dedicated to confronting and remaking these systems to challenge marginalization of any sort.


We are committed to ensuring that all members have full access to participating in the work and conversations in our group. This extends to the accessibility of our physical spaces, the educational accessibility of the work we do, and the accessibility of participating socially with others in our group. We are also committed to ensuring that the work our group produces is accessible broadly to others within and beyond our research field.

Celebration of Learning

We celebrate learning and recognize that the process of learning is not always linear or straightforward. We recognize that Reed, and academia broadly, can be a high-stress environment with a lot of pressure on productivity. We firmly believe that our primary goal is learning, in all the forms it takes. We do learn through successful projects, but we also learn a great deal through mistakes and failures.

Mental and Physical Well-being

We believe the mental and physical well-being of everyone in our group is more important than the work we do, and value individuals prioritizing their mental and physical well-being first and foremost. We value, encourage, and promote group members caring for themselves, others, and achieving a balance between their work and their life beyond their work.

Integrity and Honesty

We value personal and professional integrity and honesty. We trust people in our group to be honest and act with integrity. We will not tolerate data manipulation, scientific misconduct, or research actions or decisions that violate ethical standards.

Lab Norms

Open communication

Our lab values are best upheld when there is explicit, open communication. We aim to communicate frequently and openly, and to talk about issues and challenges early before resentment builds. We want to normalize asking for things you need (e.g. a period of quiet in the office, a time when you aren’t interrupted), for help, for direction, for feedback, and more. We emphatically wish that everyone will bring up any issues that may be creating strain so that we as a team can resolve them in a way to ensure everyone is included and has access to achieving their goals in our group. If at any point in time a lab member is uncertain how to navigate this, Nicole asks that you please come to her or anyone else you feel comfortable with in the department.

Comfort and care

We want everyone in the office to feel comfortable, safe, and included. As scientists and people, our working environment should promote physical and mental wellbeing. This means respecting others' physical space and boundaries as well as acknowledging and respecting our own limits. Each person has their own desk space in the lab, and others respect individual ownership over these spaces. Concurrently, each individual is respectful of the nature of the shared space and agrees to help maintain good office hygiene, especially regarding food in the office. Work time may look different for different people, and we will have open conversations early if differing work schedules cause any communication difficulties among collaborative projects. The office is a workspace, but it is not the library. People are encouraged to chat about work and non-work topics in the lab, but will also be mindful and communicate about others’ needs to focus. Overall, we seek to create a working environment with continued and open dialogue to ensure everyone feels affirmed and seen.

Take Space and Make Space

We want all lab members to be heard and to be able to share their thoughts, feelings, and ideas. This means we agree not to interrupt others, and to encourage people to take space (everyone is entitled to space!) but also to help make space to include others, verbally and non-verbally. We recognize that each individual speaks for themselves, and do not extrapolate our or their experiences onto others.