Chemistry 332
Spring, 1999

 LECTURE:  9:00-9:50 a.m. M, W, F  Room C301
 INSTRUCTOR:  Dr. Dan Gerrity  Office C316
 OFFICE HOURS:  2-3 p.m. M
1:30 - 2:30 p.m. T
10-11 a.m. F

CONFERENCE (optional): 6:30 - 7:20 p.m. Th Room C301



"Physical Chemistry" 5th Ed., Gordon M. Barrow. [or 5th Ed. - Please see me if you intend to use the older edition]


"Molecular Thermodynamics," Richard E. Dickerson

"Elements of Statistical Thermodynamics," 2nd ed., L. Nash

("CHEMTHERMO: A Statistical Approach to Classical Chemical Thermodynamics," Leonard K. Nash; alternative edition of above.)


 Your grade in this course will be determined by your performance on: three hour exams (60%), a comprehensive final (30%), and assigned problem sets (10%) which will be "spot-checked" regularly.

Please bring a freshly charged calculator to each exam.


 Date  Chapter  Topic
 1/25    Introduction
 1/27  1  Properties of Real and Ideal Gases
 1/29  2  The Kinetic-Molecular Model
 2/1  2  Molecular Energies and Speed
 2/3  1  Van der Waal's Equation and Nonideality
 2/5  1  Molecular Interactions
 2/8  2+  Energies of Gas Molecules
 2/10  9, 12+  Translational, Rotatonal and Vibrational Energy Levels
 2/12  2*  Microstates and Probabilities
 2/15    EXAM I - Chapters 1, and parts of 2, 9 & 12
 2/17  2*  Derivation of the Boltzmann Distribution Equation (I)
 2/19  2*  Derivation of the Boltzmann Distribution Equation (II)
 2/22  2*  Boltzmann Distribution: Applications
 2/24  2*  The Partition Function
 2/26  2*  Thermal Energy
 3/1  3#  First Law of Thermodynamics
 3/3  3#  Reversible & Irreversible Processes, Work
 3/5  3#  The Enthalpy Function, H
 3/8  3#  Heat Capacities of Gases, C
 3/10  3#  Bond Energies
 3/12    EXAM II - Chapters 2 and 3
 3/15  4  Entropy
 3/17  4  Second Law of Thermodynamics
 3/19  4  Third Law of Thermodynamics
 3/29  4  Molar Entropy Calculations
 3/31  5  Free Energy, G
 4/2  5  Dependence of G on P
 4/5  5  Dependence of G and K on T
 4/7  5  Chemical Equilibria: Ideal Gases
 4/9  5  Chemical Equilibria: Nonideal Gases
 4/12  15  First & Second-Order Rate Equations
 4/14    EXAM III - Chapters 4 and 5
 4/16  15  Rate Laws and Reaction Mechanisms
 4/19  15  Temperature and Reaction Mechanisms
 4/21  16  Temperature and Rates: Arrhenius Equation
 4/23  16  Mean Free Path and Collision Number
 4/26  16  Elementary Reactions: Collision Theory
 4/28  16  Elementary Reactions: Transition-State Theory
 4/30  16  Comparison of Collision and Transition-State Theories

+And Chapter 1 of Dickerson's "Molecular Thermodynamics"

*And Chapter 2 of Dickerson's "Molecular Thermodynamics"

#And Chapter 3 of Dickerson's "Molecular Thermodynamics"