Kaul Auditorium
Kaul Auditorium provides a venue with first-class acoustics for music performances, lectures, and small theatre productions.
Kaul Auditorium is a multipurpose space. As a theater, it can accommodate up to 750 people or 280 at table rounds for banquet seating. The stage offers space for performances, presentations, or a dance floor for evening activities.
The auditorium features full sound and light systems and is air conditioned. The adjoining Gray Lounge serves as the lobby area for the auditorium and can be used separately or in conjunction with the rental of the auditorium for receptions, pre-concert lectures, or other small functions. Artwork from Reed's Cooley Gallery and a fireplace make the lounge an excellent venue for receptions and dinners.
Learn more about using Kaul Auditorium as a space for your event: