College Catalog Archives

This program is for the student whose interests are divided between the fields of religion and ancient Mediterranean studies. The primary fields for which the program is well suited are early Christianity (including Byzantine and medieval Christianity), Judaism in the Hellenistic period or under the Roman Empire, and pagan Greek and Roman religious practice. Before the junior year, the student considering this program should consult with a member of the Religion and Ancient Mediterranean Studies Interdisciplinary Committee. A request for acceptance into the major should include a statement describing the student’s rationale for combining the two fields.

Requirements for the Major
1. Greek (111, 112, 210), 311, 312, or Latin (110, 210), 311, 312.
2. Two units of Greek, Latin, and Ancient Mediterranean Studies 370–389.
3. Any 100-level religion course and two additional religion courses at the 300 level or above; Religion 201; Religion 402 (The Junior Seminar in Religion).
4. Religion and Ancient Mediterranean Studies junior qualifying exam.
5. Religion and Ancient Mediterranean Studies 470 (thesis).