College Catalog Archives

This program emphasizes the artist-scholar who feels equally comfortable in all facets of dance and theatre. The major provides an educational experience responsive to today’s professional demands in the performing arts, in addition to satisfactory preparation for further work and study in either or both areas. The student may elect one of several emphases: performance, choreography, directing, dramaturgy, or historical and theoretical research, with or without a performance component. The student should consult with an adviser in each department as soon as possible.

Requirements for the Major
1. Five units of dance, including Dance 201 and 211. For students without prior dance experience, Dance 111 and 112 are strongly recommended.
2. Five units of theatre, including Theatre 202, 203, 331, or 333 and at least one course in theatre history or a diversity topics course.
3. One unit of junior seminar in dance or theatre.
4. One unit of upper-level choreography or Theatre 302: Junior Production Studio.
5. Dance–Theatre 470 (thesis).

Additional Requirements
1. Completion of the division requirements specified by the Division of the Arts.
2. Completion of the theatre laboratory requirement: 25 hours, arranged in consultation with the committee, or completion of Theatre 201. Students are expected to have completed this requirement by the time the junior qualifying examination is taken.

Junior Qualifying Examination
Students electing a major in dance–theatre are examined by the two departments in the second semester of the junior year. On the basis of this review, it will be determined whether a student will be admitted to senior standing, and may undertake a research-centered thesis project or a performance or practice-based thesis project that integrates research with production. Performance on the exam as well as within departmental courses will affect the nature and scope of the thesis project.