College Catalog Archives

Computer science is a vibrant and varied field of research with a strong connection to mathematics. Students who seek to investigate the principles, the foundations, and the deep questions of computer science by taking a mathematical approach, or who want to research areas of study that bridge computer science and mathematics, can pursue the standing Mathematics–Computer Science interdisciplinary major. In addition to the core computer science curriculum, this major requires students to take a mix of upper-level elective courses from both mathematics and computer science. Students should work with their advising faculty to develop a senior thesis project that spans both fields.

Requirements for the Major
1.    Mathematics 111, 112, 113, 201, and either 202 or 332.
2.    Computer Science 121 and 221.
3.    Computer Science 382, 387, and 389.
4.    Four additional mathematics or computer science courses numbered 300 or above, including at least one mathematics course and one computer science course (excluding 470).
5.    Mathematics–Computer Science 470 (thesis).