College Catalog Archives

The mathematics–economics major gives the student an opportunity to acquire a firm foundation in both fields during the normal four-year college program without sacrificing electives. Modern economic analysis relies heavily on the application of mathematical methods. The joint major is particularly useful for students who intend to do graduate work in economics. Early consultation with members of both departments is important for students considering this major.

Requirements for the Major

  1. Eight units of mathematics to include Mathematics 111, 112, 113, 141, 201, 202, and two other mathematics courses chosen from courses numbered higher than 300. Recommended: selections from Mathematics 321, 322, 332, 382, 391, and 392. Students should also consider taking a 200-level statistics course. At the discretion of the Department of Mathematics, Mathematics 111 may be waived for students entering with sufficient background in calculus. Students with adequate background in statistics may substitute a 200-level statistics course or an upper-division mathematics course for Mathematics 141. 
  2. Six units of economics, including Economics 201, 312, 313, and 314, and two units from among Economics 315–469, excluding Economics 402.
  3. Two units in one department in the Division of History and Social Sciences, excluding economics.
  4. The junior qualifying examination is taken in both departments.
  5. Mathematics–Economics 470 (thesis). The thesis is usually jointly supervised.