College Catalog Archives

Introductory history and social science courses—Economics 201, Anthropology 211, introductory courses in political science, and Sociology 211—provide a foundation for advanced work in the various fields of the division. History courses at the 200 level also provide introductory work in their respective historical and geographical areas, but they are not required as an introduction to the discipline as a whole. The introductory courses are open to first-year students, with the exception of Anthropology 211, History 276 and 278, and Sociology 211, which require consent of the instructor.

Divisional Requirements
Each major is required to fulfill divisional distribution requirements by completing three of the following:
1. Anthropology 211 and one additional upper-division anthropology course.
2. Any two one-unit Reed College economics courses, or the equivalent.
3. Any two one-unit Reed College history courses, or the equivalent.
4. Sociology 211 and one other sociology course.
5. One introductory political science course (220, 230, 240, or 260–formerly 210/250) and any other course in political science, but no more than one course from Political Science 230 and 386–415.

Note that for purposes of meeting either Group B or HSS divisional requirements in anthropology, political science, or sociology, students must include the introductory course (Anthropology 211, Political Science 220, 230, 240, or 260, or Sociology 211) as one of the required two units.

Admission of Junior Transfer Students to Division
The division accepts eligible transfer students at the junior level. Degree programs can be finished in two years’ residence at Reed.

Senior Thesis
In addition to college rules and policy on completion of the senior thesis, the division requires students to submit a thesis first draft. This requirement applies to both those completing the thesis in the fall and those completing in the spring. The deadlines for submitting the first draft are set every year, but generally occur about one month before the college fall and spring final thesis deadlines. The purpose is to ensure sufficient time for the thesis adviser and the thesis first draft reader to read the draft and offer suggestions, and for the author to make revisions before the college deadline and oral exam. Students should consult their adviser and the division’s annual thesis memoranda for specific first draft requirements and procedures for the thesis. The completion of the thesis first draft by the stipulated divisional deadline is mandatory. A stiff penalty accompanies the missing of this deadline. Students should review the Senior Handbook or talk with their adviser about the deadline.

Political Science