College Catalog Archives

H. Gerald Bidwell
Santa Barbara, California

Ernest Bonyhadi ’48
Partner, Stoel Rives LLP
Portland, Oregon

Paul E. Bragdon
President Emeritus, Reed College
Portland, Oregon

Martha A. Darling ’66
Education Policy Consultant
Ann Arbor, Michigan

Colin S. Diver
President Emeritus, Reed College
Boston, Massachusetts

Morris J. Galen
Partner, Tonkon Torp LLP
Portland, Oregon

Sukey Roth Garcetti ’61
Executive Director, Roth Family Foundation
Los Angeles, California

Steven S. Koblik
President, The Huntington Library
San Marino, California

E. Randolph Labbe
President, Kerr Pacific Corporation
Portland, Oregon

Michael E. Levine ’62
Distinguished Research Scholar, New York University School of Law
New York, New York

Norman S. Lezin ’48
Santa Cruz, California

Stephen R. McCarthy ’66
Portland, Oregon

Laurel L. Wilkening ’66
Tucson, Arizona