College Catalog Archives

Reed offers a number of foreign and domestic programs for students interested in off-campus study. Students considering such study are encouraged to meet with their faculty adviser and the director of international programs to develop a study plan. Students in good academic standing who are approved by the faculty for participation in these programs are registered as regular students at the college and are able to use their financial aid for off-campus study. Residence in Reed-approved study-abroad programs does not count toward the college’s two-year residence requirement.

International Programs

Argentina: University of Buenos Aires/FLACSO, year or semester
Reed students with at least two years of Spanish have the opportunity to enroll at the Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO) and/or the University of Buenos Aires in areas of Latin American politics, history, and literature as well as other areas in the humanities, arts, and sciences. Program coordination by the Council on International Educational Exchange offers students guidance with academics, housing, and extracurricular opportunities.

Australia: Australian National University, year or semester
Reed students with at least a 3.0 GPA who are interested in science, social science, and humanities may consider ANU for exploring Australian culture and life from a local perspective. Students can take part in peer-mentoring programs aimed to ease the transition into a new university and culture, and can also choose to volunteer for a position at ANU to stay involved.

Australia: University of Sydney, year or semester
Reed students with at least a 3.0 GPA may take advantage of Australia's most extensive university studies while embracing Australian student life and culture. With its main campus located nearby downtown Sydney, the University of Sydney provides its students with an intimate look at Australia's most populous city.

China: Reed China Program, year or semester
Reed has affiliations with three Chinese universities—Capital Normal University in Beijing, East China Normal University in Shanghai, and Fujian Normal University in Fuzhou—where students can study the Chinese language intensively. Students may also take courses in Chinese calligraphy, Chinese culture, and tai chi.

Costa Rica: Organization for Tropical Studies, semester
Reed has joined with the Organization for Tropical Studies to offer an integrated, rigorous program in tropical biology that takes place in the ecosystems and cultural context of Costa Rica. Students learn about science by doing science, including extensive fieldwork in the varied field stations of the country. Courses are taught in English. Students must have completed at least one year of college-level biology or the equivalent by the start of the program.

Cuba: Sarah Lawrence College in Cuba, fall semester
This unique opportunity is offered to Reed students in conjunction with Sarah Lawrence College's program based in Havana. Students take four courses, including Spanish, a core seminar, and electives. The seminar focuses on gender, health, education, and sustainable development throughout Cuban society. Students can take classes with Cuban students at the University of Havana, the Instituto Superior de Arte, or at the Fundación del Nuevo Cine Latino-Americano. Students must have completed four semesters of college-level Spanish or the equivalent to qualify.

Ecuador: University of San Francisco de Quito, year or semester
By participating in the program at the University of San Francisco de Quito, Reed students will take regular courses in Spanish with Ecuadorian students in departments including biology, literature, politics, and social sciences. Students will live with Ecuadorian families in Quito. The University of San Francisco also has an environmental and marine sciences program in the Galapagos Islands open to qualified Reed students.

Egypt: American University in Cairo, year or semester
In addition to courses in Arabic language and Middle Eastern politics, history, and religions, the American University in Cairo offers students a broad array of courses in sciences, social sciences, and humanities taught in English.

England: London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), year
The London School of Economics offers a unique opportunity to study at one of the world’s foremost social science universities.

England: Oxford, Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, year or semester
The Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies was founded in 1975 by Drs. John and Sandy Fenely: first, to establish a permanent institute for the interdisciplinary study of the medieval, Renaissance, and early modern periods; second, to provide academic training for overseas students from all disciplines wishing to complete part of their education at Oxford but who are not matriculated members of Oxford University.

England: Sarah Lawrence College Programs in London and Oxford
London Theatre Program, year or semester
This program gives students an opportunity to work and study with leading actors and directors from the world of British theatre. Through a combination of classes, tutorials, master classes, and performances, students take part in Britain’s great theatrical tradition.

Oxford University, year
Students can spend an academic year as associate students at Oxford University. The emphasis of this program is on the Oxford tutorial, combined with a core seminar, university lectures, and a complete range of social, cultural, and athletic privileges at Wadham College.

England: University of Sussex, year or semester
Sussex University, a short distance from London in Brighton, is a comprehensive university with particular strength in the social sciences.

England: University of East Anglia, year or semester
The UEA, in Norwich, shares a common educational theme with Reed College in its use of the conference style of instruction. Reed students may enroll in any of the various schools of the university—including the schools of English and American studies, biology, and chemistry—that offer courses across disciplines.

England: University of Nottingham, year or semester
The University of Nottingham, a large comprehensive British university with particular strength in psychology, political theory, economics, biosciences, film studies, and American studies, offers students an opportunity to become fully immersed in the British academic system, live in residence with British students, and participate in all elements of student life in England.

France: Lille III, year or semester
Through this program, students may choose to spend either a year or semester in France at Lille III (Université Charles de Gaulle). Two primary exchange plans are offered at Lille III, one for experienced French speakers, and another for students seeking linguistic guidance. Upon arrival in France, students undergo an expansive 10-day orientation program to assist in immersion and general cultural acclimation. Several excursions within and outside of the city are provided by the university.

France: Sciences Po-Lille, year or semester
The program of Sciences Po in Lille offers a selective educational environment for all students interested in studying in Europe. There is no language requirement, but plenty of opportunities to learn French through language classes for all levels and integration with the local cultures. This program is located on the border between France and Belgium. It gives Reed participants small class settings to study wide-ranging topics including journalism, European studies, international relations, and the history and politics of European integration.

France: University of Rennes II Haute Bretagne, year or semester
The Université de Rennes II, a comprehensive French university located in Brittany, offers Reed students with university-level French the opportunity to take courses in the social sciences and humanities. Students will need to have completed at least two years of college-level French language or the equivalent.

France: University of Paris, year or semester
In cooperation with Sarah Lawrence College, Academic Programs Abroad, and the Center for University Programs Abroad, Reed students with at least two years of college-level French language can take courses at some of France's most prestigious academic institutions including the Sorbonne (Paris IV), Jussieu (Paris VII), Ecole du Louvre, or Institut d'Etudes Politiques. The program provides immersion in the French university system, integrated with intensive tutorial work to provide students with personalized study programs.

Germany: University of Munich, year
Reed’s oldest program was established in 1972 with the Universität München, founded in 1472 in Bavaria. Students must have completed two years of college-level German or the equivalent. Courses taught for the program and at the Universität offer Reed students access to top-level studies in all disciplines offered by Reed.

Germany: Tübingen University, year or semester
The Universität Tübingen, in Baden Württemberg, exchanges students with Reed for a semester or academic year. Founded in medieval times, Tübingen is recognized for its humanities faculties, particularly in philosophy. Two years of college-level German or the equivalent is required.

Germany: Freie University, year or semester
The Freie Universität Berlin, founded in 1948 and internationally recognized for teaching and research, offers regular university courses taught in German and the vibrant cultural life of the reunited capital of Germany. Students with no German language preparation may take intensive German language courses as well as select courses taught in English on the “FU-BEST” program at the Freie. Students enrolling in regular courses at the university must have completed two years of college-level German or the equivalent.

Greece: College Year in Athens, year or semester
Through this program, Reed students can take advantage of the resources of Athens and of Greece, and expand their knowledge and understanding of Greece’s fundamental contribution to the development of Western civilization and of the world of Eastern Orthodox Christianity. The courses explore ancient times to the present in the areas of ancient Greek civilization and East Mediterranean area studies, and represent the disciplines of archaeology, art history, classical languages, cultural anthropology, Greek literature in translation, history, modern Greek language, philosophy, political science, and religious studies.

Hungary: Budapest Semester in Mathematics, year or semester
Through this program mathematics majors in their junior or senior years may spend a semester in Budapest and study under the tutelage of eminent Hungarian scholar-teachers who are members of the Eotvos University. All courses are taught in English, and classes are held in small groups.

Ireland: Trinity College–University of Dublin, year or semester
Trinity College, Ireland’s most prestigious university, offers a broad array of academic and extracurricular resources. Reed students accepted for study at Trinity College Dublin will take courses in a variety of disciplines of their choice with primary focus in their major field of study. Students must have completed two years of college to be accepted for study at Trinity College.

Ireland: University College Cork, year or semester
University College Cork, Ireland’s leading research university, offers the opportunity to study a variety of disciplines, with particular strength in Celtic studies and the sciences, and rich offerings in the liberal arts. Students will find a broad international student community on this urban campus in Ireland’s second-largest city.

Israel: Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, year or semester
Reed students have the opportunity to take courses directly through Israel's leading undergraduate institution. In addition to a wide selection of English-taught classes, students in this program will undergo an intensive introduction to the Hebrew language, and can also focus on topical areas including Israel studies and Arabic language studies.

Israel: Hebrew University, year or semester
Students are nominated by Reed to study at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. They may either enroll in regular courses in the university taught in Hebrew or study in the Rothberg School for Overseas Students, where courses are taught in English in the areas of Middle East and Israeli studies and the Hebrew language. The Rothberg School has recently added focused programs in dance and music for interested students.

Italy: Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies in Rome (ICCS), semester
The ICCS in Rome, established in 1965, offers courses in Greek and Latin literature, ancient history and archaeology, and ancient art.

Italy: Florence Center of Syracuse University, year or semester
The Florence Center offers a broad array of courses taught in English in fields including history, literature, political science, fine and studio arts, architecture, and Italian language and culture.

Italy: New York University in Florence, year or semester
Located at La Pietra, a magnificent estate outside the city of Florence, the program offers students an intellectually and culturally rewarding experience centered on coursework in areas including studio art, art history, literature, politics, and the Italian language.

Italy: Sarah Lawrence College Program in Florence, year or semester
Participants in this program take a core seminar that focuses on the history of the city of Florence in addition to regular university courses in disciplines including music, Renaissance literature, and art history. All students enroll in Italian language courses at the appropriate level that begin with an intensive introduction before the university semester begins.

Lebanon: American University of Beirut, year or semester
The AUB, a comprehensive university overlooking the Mediterranean Sea in Beirut, offers Reed students—in addition to courses in Arabic language and Middle Eastern politics, history, and religions—a broad array of courses in sciences, social sciences, and humanities taught in English with students from the country and region.

Morocco: Al Akhawayn University, year or semester
Reed students may study intensive Arabic as well as other courses in areas of arts and humanities taught in English. The university’s residential campus is in the community of Ifrane, in the Atlas Mountains.

Palestine: Al-Quds Bard College for Liberal Arts and Sciences, year or semester
The partnership program between the Al-Quds Honors College and Bard College allows Reed students to spend a year or semester at Palestine’s leading liberal arts institution. Students interested in learning Arabic and taking fairly geographically determined courses should consider this program, especially as it offers the rare opportunity for students to live in homestays in Ramallah.

Russia: ACTR Russian Language Program, year or semester
In cooperation with the American Council of Teachers of Russian, Reed students can spend a semester or year in Moscow, St. Petersburg, or Vladimir, engaged in intensive study of the Russian language.

Russia: European University at St. Petersburg, fall semester
In cooperation with Vassar College, this program offers Reed students interested in art history and Russian history, culture, and language a program centered on the collections of the Hermitage Museum and the State Russian Museum—two world-class institutions. Students have direct access to works of art through their classes and take classes in art history and Russian language and culture. No previous language skills are necessary.

Russia: Math in Moscow, semester
Reed students are invited to participate in this one-semester study abroad program held at the Independent University of Moscow in Russia. The primary curriculum is entirely mathematical, drawing from every major field of mathematics. Fall or spring semesters. Students must have completed one year of college and completed one semester of both advanced calculus and linear algebra.

Russia: Middlebury School in Russia, year or semester
Reed has developed an affiliation with Middlebury College to participate in programs in Irkutsk, Yaroslavl, and Moscow. Students study Russian intensively while participating in extracurricular life in Russian cities.

Russia: National Theatre Institute of Moscow, semester
Reed theatre students have the unique opportunity to study in the heart of Moscow at the world-famous Moscow Art Theatre School, the home of Stanislavsky and Anton Chekhov. Russian language is not required. A full semester of courses in acting, Russian theatre history, movement and voice, design, and Russian language are included in the program.

Russia: Smolny College, year or semester
Smolny College, the liberal arts college of Saint Petersburg State University, offers Reed students with advanced Russian language skills the opportunity to take courses across fields of social sciences, humanities, and the arts with Russian students. Students live either in dormitories or with Russian families.

South Africa: Organization for Tropical Studies, semester
Centered in Kruger National Park, the OTS program in South Africa provides students who have an active interest in biology with a rich experience in field study and research. The academic program consists of four core courses with a concentration on ecology and includes visits to additional sites in South Africa.

Spain: Hamilton College’s Madrid Center, year or semester
Based at the Centro Universitario de Estudios Hispánicos and proximate to affiliate Universidad de San Pablo, this program offers students who have completed two or more years of Spanish language the opportunity to enroll in courses across the fields of arts and humanities while participating in the life of Madrid, Spain’s cultural, intellectual, and geographic center.

Spain: Middlebury School in Spain, year or semester
Under the auspices of Middlebury College, Reed students with two or more years of Spanish language can study in four Spanish universities: Getafe, Logroño, Segovia, and the Universidad Computense de Madrid. In addition to Spanish literature, history, and culture, courses can include work in a variety of other disciplinary areas that complement the Reed academic program.

Spain: CIEE Program in Barcelona, year or semester
Administered by the Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE), this program offers Reed students with at least two years (four semesters) of college-level Spanish language the opportunity to take courses at the University of Barcelona or the Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Courses are offered in all disciplines represented in the Reed curriculum and are particularly complementary of work in the arts, literature, and politics.

Spain: CIEE Program in Seville, year or semester
Administered by the Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE), this program offers Reed students with at least two years (four semesters) of college-level Spanish language the opportunity to take courses at the Universidad de Seville. Courses are offered in all disciplines represented in the Reed curriculum.

Multiple Sites: School for Field Studies (SFS), semester
SFS offers Reed students an interdisciplinary approach to questions about public policy and biological resource management combined with direct research projects involving independent field work at the sites, including Tropical Island Diversity—Panama; Himalayan Forests, Watersheds and Rural Livelihoods—Bhutan; Wildlife Management Studies and Public Health—Kenya and Tanzania; Rainforest Studies—Australia and New Zealand; Marine Resource Studies—Turks and Caicos Islands; Sustainable Development Studies—Costa Rica.

Domestic Programs

Howard University, semester or year
Howard University is a historically black university in Washington, D.C., with particularly strong offerings in black culture, history, and literature.

Sarah Lawrence College, semester or year
Sarah Lawrence, in New York within a half hour by train of New York City, offers students highly rated courses in fields including women’s studies, African American studies, creative writing, performing arts, and European studies.

Sea Education Association (SEA), semester
At the Sea Education Association (SEA), founded in 1971 at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and affiliated with Boston University, undergraduates may study the ocean from a multitude of academic perspectives. Coursework focuses on maritime studies, nautical science, and oceanography and includes six weeks of applied studies aboard a sailing vessel.


Independently Arranged Programs

In addition to the formal programs described above, Reed students are able to participate in a variety of other study programs sponsored by either a foreign university or an American college. Students are encouraged to discuss their study plans with their adviser, as well as the director of international programs, before they leave the college. Although students participating in such programs are required to take a leave of absence from the college and are not able to use Reed financial aid, they can, with careful planning, be assured of having the work apply toward Reed academic requirements.