College Catalog Archives

John R. Kroger

Nigel Nicholson
Dean of the Faculty

Mike Brody
Vice President and Dean of Student Services

Edwin O. McFarlane
Vice President and Treasurer

Hugh Porter
Vice President for College Relations

Dena H. Hutto
Norman F. Carrigg College Librarian

Nora McLaughlin ’10

Martin Ringle
Chief Information Officer

Keith Todd
Dean of Admission

Crystal Williams
Dean of Institutional Diversity

Ron Albertson
Director, Career Services

Barbara Amen
Director, Special Programs

Townsend Angell
Director, Facilities Operations

Dana Bays
Assistant Dean, International Students

Marianne Colgrove ’84
Director, Web and Systems Services

Lily Copenagle
Associate Dean of Student Services

Betsy Cooper
Director, College Relations Information Services

Paul DeYoung
Director, International Programs

Tracy Frantel

Gary Granger
Director, Community Safety

Diane Gumz
Director, Corporate and Foundation Support

Stacey Kim
Interim Director, Public Affairs

Melinda Krahenbuhl
Director, Research Reactor

Jan Kurtz
Director, Development

Mary Leineweber
Medical Services Manager

Leslie Limper
Director, Financial Aid

Gary Norbraten ’79
Director, Administrative Computing

Geoffrey Pagen
Director, Ceramics Workshop

Tony Palomino
Director, Computer User Services

Gary Schlickeiser
Director, Networking and Telecommunications

Amy Schuckman
Assistant Dean, Residence Life

Bruce Smith
Associate Dean of Student Services, Student and Campus Life

Kathryn A. Smith
Director, Health and Counseling

Stephanie Snyder ’91
John and Anne Hauberg Curator and Director, Douglas F. Cooley Memorial Art Gallery

Ueli Stadler
Bookstore Manager

Michael J. Teskey
Director, Alumni and Parent Relations

Dawn Thompson
Executive Assistant to the President

Michelle Valintis
Director, Human Resources

Denise VanLeuven
Director, Private Music Instruction