
Document Library

Reedies have produced several canyon-related studies and articles over the years. View our document library to see past research on the canyon's history and ecology.

Document Library


Get a glimpse into life in the canyon with Zac Perry, Reed's canyon guru. In these videos from 2009–2014, Zac discusses the impact of non-native plants, endangered species, and how Reed complements the efforts of the USDA, the City of Portland, and other organizations in the region to protect one of Portland's remaining historical waterways.

Web Resources

Looking for more information about wetlands ecology and watershed restoration? Take a look at these resources from other organizations in the region.

Audubon Society of Portland
Offers info about other urban restoration projects, including those at Ross Island and Oaks Bottom.

Ivy Removal Project
A Portland group that is working to educate residents on the problems with English Ivy.

The regional government for the Portland metropolitan area.

City of Portland, Johnson Creek Page
Part of the Clean Rivers Education project, this page gives a summary of what's happening in the watershed and offers a link to the restoration plan.

Johnson Creek Watershed Council
Lots of information and maps for the watershed.

Johnson Creek Basin Hydrologic Monitoring
Water monitoring data from the U.S. Geological Survey.

Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
A useful government website.

The numbers say it all: 26,870 species, 134,000 common names, and 32,000 pictures. FishBase is an amazing resource for information on individual species of fish.

PLANTS Database
A single source of standardized information about plants, maintained by the USDA. This database focuses on vascular plants, mosses, liverworts, hornworts, and lichens of the U.S. and its territories.

Information about more than 8,000 currently recognized vascular plants in California, including scientific and common names, synonymy, distribution from literature sources, legal status, wetland codes, habitat info, and more. Includes a photo of the plant, if available.

Oregon Flora Project
A group at Oregon State University that is working to produce an up-to-date list of Oregon's native and naturalized vascular plants.

Oregon Dept. of Agriculture, Plant Division
A place to get info on specific invasive weed alerts in Oregon.

OSU Weed Science Program
Info on weed identification and weed management.

WA State Noxious Weed Control Board
A fun weed site. They offer a noxious weed list, noxious weed poetry, and (our favorite) a noxious weed coloring book.

Weeds on the Web
A great site from U.C. Davis and the Nature Conservancy. You can get photos and other info on weeds and weed control methods.