The following list was originally produced by Bruce Moreira (a student). Some additions were made by Helen Stafford (Reed Biology Department).
This article is being published as a historical reference. Some information may no longer be current.
- A - Abundant
- C - Common
- S - Scarce
- E - Evenly
- G - Grouped
- U - Universals
- I - A Recent Colonizer
scientific name | common name | key | notes |
Abies grandis | Grand Fir | CE | northwest shore, northeast shore |
Acer macrophyllum | Big Leaf Maple | CE | all regions |
Alnus rubra | Red Alder | CR | all regions |
Clerodendron sp. | Glorybower | ? | non-native, cultivated shrub |
Kalopanax pictus | - | SR | southeast shore |
Malus fusca | Pacific Crabapple | CR | southwest shore |
Malus sp. | Apple / Crabapple | ? | east-end marsh |
Pinus contorta | Lodgepole Pine | SR | northwest |
Prunus sp. | Cherry | CE | southeast shore |
Pseudotsuga menziesii | Douglas Fir | AR | all regions |
Quercus sp. | Oaks | ? | ? |
Robinia pseudoacacia | Black Locust | CG | southeast shore |
Thuja plicata | Western Red Cedar | CE | all regions |
scientific name | common name | key | notes |
Acer circinatum | Vine Maple | CE | northwest shore, northeast shore, east-end marsh, southeast shore |
Berberis aquifolium | Tall Oregon-grape | AE | northwest shore, northeast shore, east-end marsh, southeast shore |
Berberis nervosa (Mahonia nervosa) |
Oregon-grape | ? | ? |
Clematis lingusticifolia (C. vitalba) |
Wild Clematis | AE | very invasive |
Cornus stolonifera | Red-Osier Dogwood | ? | southeast shore |
Corylus cornuta var. californica | Western Hazelnut, Filbert | ? | east |
Crataegus douglasii | Black Hawthorn | CE | northeast shore |
Hedera helix | English Ivy | AE I | all regions - invasive non-native |
Ilex aquifolium | English Holly | AE I | all regions |
Oemleria cerasiformis (Osmoronia) | Indian Plum | AR | southeast shore, southwest shore, east-end marsh |
Polygonum cuspidatum | knotweed (cultivated plant) | ? | invasive - infirmary bed and west along canyon edge. |
Ribes sanguineum | Red Flowering Currant | SG | northwest shore, Art building |
Rubus discolor | Himalayan Blackberry | AR I | All regions |
Rubus parviflorus | Thimbleberry | ? | southeast shore |
Rubus ursinus | Trailing Blackberry | CR | northwest shore, west-end stream bank - invasive |
Salix sitchensis | Sitka willow | ? | ? |
Sambucus racemosa | Red Elderberry | CE | east-end marsh |
Herb, Ferns, and Fern Allies
scientific name | common name | key | notes |
Achillea millefolium | Yarrow | CG | northwest shore |
Ajuga reptans | Bugle | SR I | northeast shore |
Arctium minus | Common Burdock | CE | northwest shore, east-end marsh |
Asarum caudatum | Wild Ginger | CE | northwest & southeast shores |
Athyrium filix-femina | Lady Fern | AE I U | |
Brassica sp. | White Weedy Mustard | AE U | |
Cardamine pensylvanica | Pennsylvania Bittercress | CE I U | |
Cichorium intybus | Chicory | U | |
Cirsium arvense | Canada thistle | ? | northwest section below swimming pool |
Convolvulus arvensis | Morning Glory, Bindweed | ? | |
Crepis capillaris | Smooth Hawksbeard | ? | |
Dentaria tennella | Spring Queen | CE | east-end marsh |
Disporum hookerii | Hooker's Fairybells | SR | southeast shore, southwest-end stream bank, west-end stream bank |
Duchesnea indica | Indian Strawberry (non-native) | ? | |
Equisetum arvense | Common or Field Horsetail | AG U | |
Galium aparine | Cleavers | CR | west-end stream bank |
Galium trifolium | Bedstraw | AE U | |
Geranium robertianum | Robert Geranium | CR I | west-end stream bank |
Geum sp. | Avens | ? | southeast shore |
Geum macrophyllum | Long-leaf Avens | ? | |
Impatiens noli-tangere | Jewelweed, Balsam | ? | east-end stream bank |
Lunaria annua | Honesty | AG I | northeast shore |
Lysichitum americanum | Skunk Cabbage | CE | east-end marsh, southeast shore |
Mentha sp. | Mint | CR I | west-end stream bank |
Mertensia paniculata | Tall Lungwort, Borage | U | |
Mitella pentandra | Mitrewort | U | |
Montia siberica | Candy Flower | CE | east-end marsh |
Narcissus sp. | Daffodils | SC I | northwest shore, one individual |
Penstemon cardwellii | Beardtongue, Penstemon | east end of foot bridge | |
Petasites palmatus | Palmate Coltsfoot | SR | southeast shore |
Pityrogramma triangularis | Gold-back Fern | SR | east-end marsh (one loc.) |
Polypodium glycyrrhiza | Licorice Fern | AE | southeast & southwest shores |
Polystichum munitum | Sword Fern | AE U | |
Potamogeton gramineus | Grass-leaved Pondweed | quiet stream, lake areas | |
Pteridium aquilinum | Bracken Fern | SE, CG | northwest & southeast & southwest shores, E-end marsh |
Ranunculus sp. | |||
Smilacina racemosa | False Solomon's Seal | SR | west-end stream banks |
Solanum dulcamara Solanum sp. |
Bittersweet Nightshade, Nightshade | west-end stream bank - + unknown | |
Spiraea douglasii | Spirea, Spiraea | east-middle of lake | |
Stachys mexicana | Hedge-nettle | wet areas, southeast bank | |
Taraxacum officinale | Dandelion | CE U | |
Tellima grandiflorum | Fringecup | CE U | |
Tolmiea menziesii | Piggy-back-plant | U | |
Trillium ovatum | Western Trillium | CE | southeast & southwest shores, E-end marsh |
Urtica dioica | Stinging Nettle | CR SG | northwest & northeast shores E-end marsh |
Vancouveria hexandra | Inside-out-flower | ||
Veronica beccabunga | European Brookline | northwest shore |