Room & Roommate Choices for Returning Students


Room assignments are determined by your selections in the Housing Selection and availability of rooms on campus. Returning students are typically assigned to a room in buildings within our sophomore and upper-division neighborhoods. We encourage students to consider their roommate options ahead of the application process. Single rooms are also available, with priority typically given to returning students who have a disability related housing-accommodation for a single room.

Before you select housing preferences in the portal, please visit our residence halls page for more details on buildings so you’ll know which ones you’re eligible to live in based on your class year. Additionally, please visit our page on the language house application process.

All of Reed's residence halls are gender inclusive. Residents of each community determine how to utilize common spaces (including bathrooms) at the beginning of each year.


If you would like to request a specific roommate, complete the "roommate preference" section of the application in the Housing Portal. You and your proposed roommate must mutually confirm each other in order to be assigned as roommates. You can also search for compatible roommates based on answers to the lifestyle questions.

Please note that sophomores may only request other sophomores as roommates as they will be assigned housing in sophomore-designated buildings. Juniors and seniors may request other juniors and seniors as roommates.

Depending on the number of students who self-select roommates and the number of double rooms available, Res Life may not be able to honor all roommate requests or may need to assign roommates to students who have not specifically requested them.