Office for Student Engagement Guidelines
The guidelines found on this page are meant to help students navigate some of the various practices and procedures at Reed. As always, please visit the Office for Student Engagement if you have any questions or want more information. We’re always happy to talk.
- Academic Teams Domestic Travel Guidelines
- Academic Teams International Travel Guidelines
- Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs In Student Spaces and College Responses
- Campus Vendor Guidelines
- Fire Pit Guidelines
- Fundraising Guidelines
- Hazing Guidelines
- Mural proposals
- Non-commercial Solicitation
- Political Season Guidelines
- Posting Guidelines
- Structure Registration Guidelines
Academic Teams Domestic Travel Guidelines
Adoption Date: Fall 2011
Updated: Spring 2024
Purpose: These guidelines for student travel ensure that we are encouraging our students to value their academics and classroom performance first, while also offering them opportunities to further develop themselves as individuals. This statement pertains to all students traveling on overnight trips directly connected to their participation in Reed-sponsored academic teams. Traveling off-campus on Reed-sponsored overnight trips is a privilege and should be treated as such by students.
Once the team travel schedule has been established, the following actions will be taken:
- At least three weeks prior to the proposed departure date, the team signator must provide the Office for Student Engagement with the names of all participating students.
- Participating students must fill out a Release of Information, and Student Engagement will submit the list to the Registrar and the Assistant Dean for Student Rights and Responsibilities for verification of academic and conduct standing.
- If any student is found not to be in good academic or conduct standing, the student will not be permitted to travel. Some students may be granted conditional permission. In these situations, Student Engagement staff will meet with the individual to discuss whether or not it is a good idea for them to be traveling with the team. In academic instances, the final decision will be left up to the student.
- It is all students’ responsibility to alert all professors whose classes they will miss at least three weeks in advance of their absence. If the professor does not approve of the student missing the class session in question, the student should notify Student Engagement staff immediately and will not be permitted to take part in the trip. Students will not be permitted to travel if they have not given their professors timely notice of their absence. Students are responsible for making up any work missed while traveling.
- If a student is denied permission to travel or decides not to go for any reason once tickets (e.g. airline, bus, etc) have been purchased on their behalf, the student may be held financially responsible for the associated costs and need to reimburse the college for costs.
- At least two weeks prior to departure, each student must meet with Student Engagement staff to submit an indemnity and release form and to receive an emergency wallet card. These cards will contain the phone number for the Student Engagement staff member overseeing that particular trip and for Community Safety.
- Two weeks prior to leaving Reed for travel, the signator must provide Student Engagement with a completed OSE Academic Teams Travel Itinerary sheet containing the following information:
- The names and phone numbers of every person attending the trip
- The name and phone numbers of all hotels/hostels/homes the team is staying at during the trip
- All travel plans, including flight numbers/itineraries and rental car reservations
- The name of the tournament being attended, as well as a contact person representing the tournament
- In the event of an emergency, Reed College Student Engagement staff must be notified by a member of the traveling student team, only after appropriate action has been taken to ensure the immediate safety of students and others (calling 911, going to the ER, etc.).
- Two weeks after each trip, the signator will meet with Student Engagement staff to debrief the trip and begin planning any future trips.
- Students of legal age are permitted to drink during Reed-sponsored trips, as long as alcohol use does not happen while students are actively participating in the academic/team/tournament activity and does not negatively impact their representation of Reed. For further information, see the Reed Drug and Alcohol Policy.
Please refer to the Risk Management Travel Webpage for more information about rental cars, personal car use, insurance, and accommodations.
Top of PageAcademic Teams International Travel Guidelines
Adoption Date: Fall 2011
Updated: Fall 2023
Purpose: These guidelines for student travel ensure that we are encouraging our students to value their academics and classroom performance first, while also offering them opportunities to further develop themselves as individuals. This statement pertains to all students traveling on overnight trips to any foreign nation directly connected to their participation in Reed-sponsored academic teams. Traveling off-campus on Reed-sponsored overnight trips is a privilege and should be treated as such by students.
All domestic travel procedures also apply to international travel (please review above). The following are supplemental requirements unique to international travel.
- At least two and a half months prior to the proposed departure date, the team signator must meet with Student Engagement staff to discuss the trip. Students will not be permitted to travel to any countries currently on travel alert with the US Department of State, with very rare exceptions.
- Once the travel has been approved, the signator must work with the Office for Student Engagement as well as International Student Services to obtain all necessary passports, visas, and other documentation as needed.
- At least eight weeks prior to the departure date, the team signator must provide Student Engagement with the names of all participating students so that academic standing can be verified.
- It is the students’ responsibility to alert all professors whose classes they will miss at least one month in advance of their absence.
- If the trip is longer than four days, the signator of the team must provide at least one status update to Student Engagement via email.
Please refer to the Risk Management Travel Webpage for more information about rental cars, personal car use, insurance, and accommodations.
Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs in Student Spaces and College Responses
Adoption Date: February 2010
Updated: Spring 2022
Purpose: This document serves as a guideline for the Office for Student Engagement and Community Safety staff members as they respond to Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug (AOD) incidents in student spaces. The goal of this document is to provide students with clear and consistent information regarding Reed’s approach to AOD in student spaces.
This framework is meant to function as a guideline. It is a flexible document that presents a range of possible tools depending on the context of each situation. It is intended to support the College Drug and Alcohol Policy and the Alcohol and Other Drug Implementation Plan. The goal is to work with signators before issues become more serious. The primary mission of Reed College is “to provide a balanced, comprehensive education in liberal arts and sciences, fulfilling the highest standards of intellectual excellence.” In service of this mission, Reed College strives to provide a healthy and safe environment in which students may live and study. Our Honor Principle guides and informs all behavior on campus and suggests “Any action that causes unnecessary pain or discomfiture to any member of the Reed community . . . is a violation of the honor principle.”
Student spaces should be used responsibly in order to allow all members of the Reed community to enjoy these spaces. The use of cigarettes and/or illegal substances in student spaces may discomfort other members of the community. Smoking of any substance inside a student space is harmful to the health of those exposed and poses safety risk in the event of a fire. In addition, Oregon law states that it is illegal to smoke any substance inside a public space or workplace. To address the issue of smoking and illegal substances in student spaces, we propose a series of steps that begin at a level appropriate for the violation and that escalate according to frequency and seriousness of the situation.
Definitions for responses
Minor: Single incidents of smoking (any substance) or minors in possession of alcohol.
Serious: From the AOD Implementation Plan – “The College also regards as a very serious violation of the Drug and Alcohol Policy providing to any individual (whether by sale or gift) of any hard drug (including heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine), in any amount. Individuals providing hard drugs to others knowingly subject another person to a potentially serious or even fatal risk of injury, typically without being able to verify the contents or strength of the substance or the tolerance of the recipient to that substance.”
Verbal discussion: Any individual cited for an AOD violation in a student space, will be subject to the College’s established response as outlined in the AOD Implementation Plan, in addition to a verbal discussion with Community Safety and/or Student Activities staff. If Community Safety staff is unable to identify a specific student in association with an AOD violation in a student space, the subsequent verbal discussion would involve the signator and staff from Community Safety and/or the Office for Student Engagement.
Written notice to signator: This includes an email notification of the incident to the signator from the Office for Student Engagement and/or Community Safety staff.
Increased monitoring of student space: Space could be monitored by the student signator, Community Safety Officers or the Office for Student Engagement staff.
Make environmental changes to space: This includes and is not limited to installation of access control devices, installation of additional smoke alarms, installation of lights that can't be turned off, removal of window coverings, etc.
Action plan: The signator will meet with Community Safety and/or the Office for Student Engagement staff. Together they can brainstorm next steps, including contingencies should similar incidents recur in the future.
Temporary closure of space: The space will be unavailable for student use for a short period of time. Lengths of closures will increase with each violation.
Permanent closure of space: The space will be closed until it is reassigned to another student group.
Campus Vending Guidelines
Adoption Date: 2000-2001
Updated: Fall 2021
Purpose: These guidelines are written to ensure that students, staff and faculty can live and work on campus free from unwanted disruption.
In the interest of every student's right to health, safety, and general privacy, Reed College prohibits solicitation and/or sales on college-owned property except with the specific written permission of the college. In order to obtain permission to vend on campus, students must contact the Office for Student Engagement (503-788-6692) and register the proposed vending event on IRIS at least five business days in advance. Permission must also be granted by the Director of Risk Management.
In those instances in which permission is granted, vendors are required to follow the following guidelines:
- Sales are limited to the business hours of Reed College (8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday–Friday) and during special events by previous arrangement.
- Each vendor/organization is only permitted to vend two days per month.
- No solicitation or sales will be allowed indoors, including the Residence Halls or the Dining Commons.
- Sales are permitted in the following locations: Gray Campus Center porch, Student Union porch, quad, and front lawn (only during special events, by permission).
- Vendors will not actively approach passersby.
- Vendors must provide their own tables, chairs, etc.
- Those vending on campus may not store merchandise or other materials on campus between visits.
- Vendors may bring cars and trucks up to the Kaul entry to unload merchandise. After unloading, they must park in designated parking areas.
On the day of the campus visit, sales representatives must obtain a sales permit from the Office for Student Engagement located in the Student Center. (Students wishing to sell merchandise must present a valid Reed College ID to be issued a permit.) This permit must be on display at the sales location. Reed College does not charge fees to those who vend on campus. Strangers or solicitors without clearance should be reported promptly to the Community Safety Office. The college reserves the right to refuse or rescind a sales permit.
Fire Pit Guidelines
Revised October 2007To get a fire pit permit:
The Fire Bureau requires a permit because we do not have a permanent, exterior burn-site and because open burning violates the Clean Air Act. You will need to provide information such as what the fire-pit is made of (steel), where it will be located (Commons Quad or Library), what will be burned (wood), the availability of hoses/fire extinguishers, etc. You will need to visit them at 1300 SE Gideon, one block N of Powell (Take 28th to Holgate, turn left. Follow Holgate to Milwaukie and turn right. Gideon is one block past Powell. Turn right onto Gideon and you'll see the sign for the fire department permits office. Hours are 8-3:30 M-F.) Look for a Fire Station on the corner- the Fire Marshal is in the building right next door, marked Portland Fire Marshal’s Office. The process usually takes 5-10 minutes depending on how busy their office is that day. You do not need an appointment. Contact the Fire Permits Division, at 503-823-3712 if you have further questions. Usage Guidelines:
- Locate the pit at least 50 feet from structures and other combustible materials (e.g., trees, bushes, others). The two approved locations for use of the pit are the Quad and in front of the Library.
- Limit the duration of the fire to three hours.
- Eliminate conditions that would cause the fire to spread to within 50 feet of any structure. Do not stack your wood or have other flammable items near the fire pit.
- Use only cut wood, and only enough kindling and paper to start the fire. No other items should be burned in the pit. Many items such as building material may cause safety hazards or toxic fumes.
- The woodpile in the fire pit must be less than 3 feet in diameter and less than 2 feet in height.
- Do not use items such as gas, lighter fluid, etc. to start your fire. Use as little paper as possible.
- Have a garden hose connected to a water supply and three 3A-40 BC fire extinguishers available. Community Safety will check out fire extinguishers and a water key for the hose before the event. Your organization is responsible for the cost of replacing and/or recharging them. Student Activities will order these when they help you register the event.
- The official organizer of the event must attend the fire constantly until it has been extinguished. This person must be sober and carry a copy of the burn permit and the event registration form.
- Discontinue burning should hazardous conditions exist (e.g., wind, or other hazard) or should smoke emissions become offensive to occupants of surrounding property or at the discretion of a CSO.
- Damage to the surrounding grounds may be the responsibility of the event sponsor.
- The distribution of alcohol, as set forth in the Drug & Alcohol Policy, is prohibited.
- The most important factor with the management of your event is the safety of every participant. If you become concerned that an individual or individuals are at risk, please contact Community Safety.
$10 fine if water key is not returned to Community Safety with the fire extinguishers
$25 fine if any items other than wood are found in the Fire Pit – this is a safety issue for Phys Plant.
Fundraising Guidelines
Adoption date: Summer 2012 | Reviewed and updated: Spring 2022
Authors: Kristin Holmberg (Office for Student Engagement), Jan Kurtz and Lindsay Nealon (Development) | Reviewer: Sarah Panetta (Development)
Purpose: To offer clear guidelines for students and student groups engaging in fundraising activities so that they do not conflict with broader college fundraising efforts.
Did you know that tuition covers just 65% of Reed’s annual operating costs? The remaining 35% is funded by philanthropy. Reed is a non-profit organization and relies on generous gifts from alumni, parents, and friends to operate. The college is also required to follow strict IRS regulations in how gifts are solicited and receipted. The guidelines below exist because Reed needs to be thoughtful about how student groups raise money. We need to be careful that student-initiated fundraisers do not conflict with broader college fundraising priorities and that anyone asking for donations follows specific procedures.
- Student groups wishing to fundraise should visit the Office for Student Engagement and talk to a staff member to be sure that their plans match the spirit and intent of these guidelines.
- Student groups are allowed to fundraise for things that are central to the mission of the group (i.e.: travel, program expenses, etc).
- College offices and the student senate will not generally provide “seed money” for groups to pay for fundraising activity.
- Student groups may contact offices for contributions to their effort. However, if fundraising goals are not met, college offices cannot be expected to fill in the gaps.
- Students are expected to conduct fundraising in a way that predominantly focuses on the internal campus community (ie: bake sales, letter writing, events, etc.).
- Students are welcome to approach their own friends or family members for fundraising support, but we ask that student groups refrain from broader outreach to alumni, trustees, businesses, or foundations so that the fundraising does not conflict with the college’s fundraising efforts.
- Out of respect for our neighbors, please do not approach local businesses for in-kind or monetary donations. You can imagine how often some of the local businesses are contacted.
- Requests from student groups cannot appear to come from college offices. Please do not use Reed letterhead or include the names of college offices in fundraising requests. Be clear with donors that this is not considered a donation to Reed College and that they will not receive a receipt for tax purposes.
- If a student group is making a donation to a non-profit organization, they should be sure that the money is going to a reputable organization. Resources such as can give you important information to get you started.
- Raffles, bingo games or Texas hold’em games must follow state laws. See the Department of Justice FAQ here.
Fundraising is an exciting and worthwhile endeavor, and an excellent way to build your skillset in a field that offers intriguing career paths. If you are interested in learning more about fundraising, consider getting involved with Reed’s student phonathon program or the Reedies for Reedies scholarship drive. Both offer the chance to help Reed and Reedies, build your resume, and give back to the community. Email to learn more.
Hazing Guidelines
Oregon state law prohibits hazing at colleges and universities. Reed's hazing policy applies to all student organizations and their individual members.
Mural proposals
Adoption Date: Spring 2016Authors: Murals Committee (Senate), Kristin Holmberg (Office for Student Engagement), and Stephanie Snyder (Cooley Gallery Curator)
Purpose: To support Reed students as they apply for, and create, murals on campus, and to ensure that student artists communicate with the necessary committees and departments throughout the process.
Step One: At beginning of each semester, Senate Murals Committee will release a call for mural proposals to the Reed public for ‘expired’ murals after consultation with the Cooley Gallery Curator. The Curator will inform the Senate Murals Committee of any information concerning prior Art Collections Management Committee (ACMC) decisions that may affect mural proposals for given locations. The eligibility window for mural proposals will be determined by the Senate Murals Committee, in consultation with the Cooley Curator. Current Reed students interested in completing a mural on campus should contact the Senate Murals Committee to submit a proposal.
Step Two: Senate Murals Committee will collect and evaluate mural proposals for each space under consideration. Murals will be ranked in order of preference, based on the following criteria: the mural’s appropriateness for public space on campus, and specifically for the proposed location; the amount of preparedness on the part of the applicant; and the perceived ability of the applicant to complete the mural on schedule. PLEASE NOTE: It is critical that the mural proposal be an accurate representation of the proposed artwork. The ACMC will not vote on proposals that do not show completed, detailed sketches with accurate colors, dimensions, and materials.
Step Three: Senate Murals Committee will attend a meeting of the ACMC and present the proposals. During this meeting, the Senate Murals Committee will share all of the proposals with the ACMC, describe their ranking, and advocating for their preferences.
Step Four: The entire assembled group will discuss the proposals and then will vote to either accept or reject the proposed murals for each space. Senate Murals Committee and ACMC members will vote as a collective, with one vote per person. Mural proposals will be accepted or rejected by majority vote. The assembled group may also vote to request that mural proposals be revised for reconsideration by the entire group. Senate Murals Committee will share a list of approved spaces and artists with Facilities.
Step Five: Once a proposal has been accepted by the ACMC, the artist—in conjunction with Senate Murals Committee—must do the following:
2. Submit the exact dates when the work will commence and be finished. Email this to the Senate Murals Committee, the Cooley Curator, and Facilities Services.
3. Submit the name of the artist. This name does not have to be displayed on a wall label next to the piece, but is a necessary component of the records of the ACMC.
Step Six: The Cooley Gallery Curator will assist Senate Murals Committee with the implementation of murals as needed, reporting back to the ACMC on the progress and completion of murals.
Other information:
Student Senate and the Office for Student Engagement will finance the supplies needed to complete the mural, but will not compensate the artist for their labor.
The ACMC will do its part to assist all artists looking to create an on-campus mural.
All questions should be sent to the Senate Murals Committee and the Cooley Curator.
If artists follow these steps, the ACMC and Murals Committee will do their best to make sure that approved murals stay up 3 years after completion*, unless the mural is damaged or removal of the mural is voted on by a majority vote of the the ACMC and Murals Committee. Stephanie will occasionally monitor pieces for vandalism, report repair needs, and contact the artist if necessary.
If artists do not follow these instructions, the Senate will not pay for their supplies, and will request that Phys Plant remove any work that is completed without Senate Murals Committee/ACMC approval.
The artist must stick to their original proposal or complete a new one.
Contact information:
Stephanie Snyder, Cooley Gallery Curator
*The mural space at the entrance to the GCC’s is a special exception to these rules. This is a space which will only be filled by thesis activities and special projects. Murals in this space will only be available for replacement every 5 years (or more).
Non-commercial Solicitation
Adoption Date: April 2009Authors: Kristin Holmberg (Office for Student Engagement), Jennifer Bates (Public Affairs), Rick Fagerstrom (Community Safety), Drew White (Residence Life/Office for Student Engagement), Phillip Schwartz (Student Senate), Sean Lerner (Renn Fayre/Sound Kollektiv), Beth Martin (Conference and Event Planning)
Purpose: These guidelines were adopted to make sure that those living, studying, and working on campus can do so in a comfortable environment, free of unwanted interruptions from those soliciting on campus.
- Non-commercial solicitation is defined as individuals or organizations coming to campus in order to distribute materials, canvass, engage in petition-signing, proselytize, or to engage in similar activities. For issues regarding politicians and vendors, please see the applicable guidelines.
- These guidelines recognize Reed’s neutral stance on religious and political issues, as well as the high value the College places on academic freedom. Decisions will not be made based on ideological issues.
- A student group or department must sponsor individuals or organizations wishing to engage in non-commercial solicitation at the College.
- The student or student group must complete an event registration form with Student Activities in order to reserve a table for the guest. Departmental sponsors can work directly with Conference and Events Planning. Tables can be reserved in public places only. This includes the Commons, the quad and the SU porch area and excludes academic or living spaces.
- Solicitation is limited to the business hours of the College, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- Solicitors should display a copy of the event registration form on the table.
- Solicitors must remain behind their table. They should not walk around campus, approach people, or shout out from their table to attract attention. They should exercise a respectful attitude toward all community members.
- Solicitors can register tables no more than two days a month.
- The college reserves the right to ask solicitors to leave if they do not comply with these guidelines.
Political Season Guidelines
Updated: October 2024Purpose: To ensure equal access to candidates. To prevent activities that may jeopardize Reed’s non-profit status.
Reed College, as a non-profit organization, cannot participate in or support political campaigns. This means the college cannot fund political activity (including using student body funds), and cannot do anything to imply that this is a Reed College sponsored event.
To maintain the college's non-profit status, all political activities must follow these guidelines:
- No College Sponsorship: The college and student body cannot fund or imply sponsorship of any political campaign, candidate, event, or organization. This includes hosting or paying a candidate, a campaign, or political organization.
- Inviting Candidates or Organizations: Student organizations may invite political candidates, campaigns, or organizations to campus. However, no college funds, including student body funds, can be used to sponsor or pay for their participation. Candidates may engage only in non-partisan activities and topics (e.g. how to run for office, how to be civically engaged, etc.), and they cannot campaign on campus. Candidates may not reference their campaigns or political party.
- No Use of College Branding: Do not use Reed College letterhead, logos, or other branding when inviting political candidates. This ensures there is no implied sponsorship by the college.
- Use of Facilities: Student groups can use college facilities for political activities but cannot use Reed phone lines to make campaign or politically-related phone calls.
- Equal Access: If a candidate is invited to campus, any opposing candidates must be given the same opportunity upon request. Ideally, the candidates would be invited to the same event. The organizing student group would be responsible for making these arrangements.
- Voter Registration Drives: Political campaigns or parties cannot sponsor voter registration drives on campus.
Posting Guidelines
Adoption Date: Spring 2007Updated: June 2009
Authors: Kristin Holmberg (Office for Student Engagement), Towny Angell (Facilities), Ed McFarland (VP, Finance), Mary Catharine King (VP, Dean of Student Services)
Purpose: To strike a balance between students’ needs to publicize their events and the college’s need to maintain a safe and clutter-free environment
According to campus policy, posters and fliers may be placed on bulletin boards only. Facilities staff will remove campus postings nightly. The only exception to this rule is Gray Campus Center (GCC), where the following stipulations exist:
- Posters placed in the GCC cannot be placed on the windows of doors or on glass doors.
- Tape that does not mark walls or paint, such as blue painter's tape, must be used. The bookstore sells blue tape. Students may also request to borrow a roll of blue tape from Student Engagement.
- The Office for Student Engagement will remove posters in the Gray Campus Center twice a week.
- Posters placed outside of permitted spaces are subject to daily removal.
- Students are requested to take posters down after their events.
- If additional bulletin board space is needed for students, contact the Office for Student Engagement. If additional bulletin board space is needed for faculty, contact physical plant.
Authors: Kristin Holmberg (Office for Student Engagement), Michael O’Brien (CSO), Gloria Torbeck (Facilities), Jennifer Bates (Public Affairs)
Purpose: To clarify structure expectations and processes so that students can more easily execute their projects and so that college staff have an opportunity to work with the student to mitigate safety and damage concerns
Registration Process:
- This process is intended for temporary structures that will be built for a week or less. Students can petition to leave structures up for up to one additional week. Longer term or semipermanent structures need to be approved through the Art Committee.
- Structures which will be long-term or semipermanent should be proposed to the senate which will in turn present them to the vice presidents of the college for decisions on a case by case basis.
- Come to the Office for Student Engagement and fill out the structure registration form with a staff member.
- The Office for Student Engagement will fax your form to other offices who need to be notified. If any of those offices have concerns, we’ll talk with you about how to lessen the concern.
- Once everyone has approved the structure, you will receive a confirmation email.
- Structures, for this purpose, are defined as any nonpermanent item constructed on campus. This includes art, installations, ramps, etc.
- Students are encouraged not to build structures that are intended to support people or to be climbed on.
- Structure registration should occur at least 3 workdays prior to the building time in order for all parties to be contacted and to give approval.
- Structures should be solidly built and should not pose safety hazards.
- Structures should be at least 50 feet from buildings, should not block fire lanes or walkways, and should not be more than 12 feet tall.
- In order to prevent charges for sprinkler or pipe damage, structures should not be staked in the ground or have any part that penetrates the grass.
- The sponsor of the structure is responsible for fully cleaning up the area after the structure is removed including nails, boards, garbage, etc.
- Paint used on structures should be water-based tempera paint. Physical Plant will provide paint that will not cause permanent damage. Tarps should be used when painting on cement, but not when painting on grass.
- Vehicles should not be driven on lawns to deliver building materials.
- Hazardous or flammable materials (chemicals, gasses, etc.) should not be used in construction.
- If structures are not executed according to these guidelines and the submitted proposal, they will be removed after consultation with the structure sponsor.
- If it becomes necessary for physical plant to remove a structure, the student’s business account will be billed for staff hours worked and for disposal costs after consultation with the student senate leadership.