Business Office

Cashier and Other Office Services

Learn more about how to access the cashier’s window, buy TriMet passes, and use our notary services.

Cashier’s Window Services

The cashier receives and processes all funds received by the college and disburses cash refunds and advances. The cashier oversees the Trimet program, advances, cash reimbursements, disbursement checks, and payment receipts. You may read the guidelines for advances here.

You can also buy commuter points, make change, and buy Tri-Met passes. Cash and checks are accepted, but credit cards are not accepted. The cashier’s window is open Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m.-3 p.m. and is located on the third floor of Eliot Hall.

Download Deposit Slip

Download Advance Request

TriMet Monthly Bus Passes

College Subsidy Program

The college subsidizes half the cost of monthly adult passes. Tri-Met monthly passes may be purchased, with a valid Reed ID, at the Cashier Window in Eliot. The prices for current Reed students, staff, and faculty are as follows:

  • Adult: $50
  • Youth $28

Students who are living or working on campus are eligible for the subsidy during the summer.

purchase a bus pass

TriMet’s Honored Citizen Fare Program

Starting Fall 2019, the college will be offering Honored Citizen passes for faculty, students, and staff who qualify. The cost of a monthly Honored Citizen pass is $28, which is paid in full by the college. For more information, click here.

TriMet Hop Fastpass

We’ve moved to TriMet’s new electronic-fare system, Hop Fastpass! Hop offers easy boarding, lost-card protection and reduces paper waste. Hop works on all TriMet buses, MAX light rail, WES Commuter Rail, Portland Streetcar as well as all C-TRAN services.

The Hop cards we distribute to you will be registered already and you won't need to create an account or manage it. Each month we will add an electronic monthly pass to your Hop card at the time of purchase for the above stated costs.

You are required to tap your Hop card every time you board a bus or train, including when you transfer. Your tap is your proof of payment so be ready to show your Hop Card to a Fare Inspector when requested. There is no need to tap when exiting a transit vehicle. For more information, click here.

If you lose your Hop card a replacement card can be purchased for $3 at the cashier’s window. The cashier can transfer your transit pass onto a replacement card.

TriMet Hop Tickets

You can purchase 2 ½ hour and 1-day Hop Tickets (paper tickets with electronics inside) at Reed’s bookstore. When you first tap an unvalidated ticket, the fare is activated and the time remaining on your ticket is displayed on the Hop Reader.

Notary Services

Notaries on campus can provide their services at no cost to the Reed community. Notaries cannot give legal advice by instructing signers on how to complete a document, or advising on anything relating to the document.

The notary has the sole responsibility to refuse a notarization. Non-English documents need to be taken to a bilingual notary. These can be found at consulates, embassies and on the web.

Current identification is required. The following types of identification may be used: At least one state or federal document with the physical description, photo, and signature, such as a driver's license, state ID card, US military ID card, or U.S. passport or and officially recognized passport of a foreign country.

We appreciate a 24 hour notice for notary requests, please call and schedule an appointment today.

For notary services, please contact:

Delana Libbus, Business Office, 503-777-7505
Stella Lilien, Office of the President, 503-777-7240
Danielle Maris-Lacob, Office of the Treasurer, 503-517-7993
Mark Fowler, Registrar's Office, 503-777-7793

Tuition Remission

Staff and faculty may be eligible for tuition remission. See the human resources page to learn more about this benefit. Application forms are to be turned into the business office, either by email to the accounts payable specialist, or turned in, in-person, to Eliot 308.

Download the Application for Tuition Remission